A Coffee Table Book was launched in the Symposium of the Power Sector Reform (PSR) Programme – Phase II, titled "Shaping the Next Era of Power Sector Reforms in India”. The book highlights key accomplishments in regulatory research, knowledge base development, and capacity building within the PSR II Programme.
A book on “GENDER AND POWER SECTOR REGULATION: Lessons and Way Forward for India”, was launched in the Symposium of the Power Sector Reform (PSR) Programme – Phase II, titled "Shaping the Next Era of Power Sector Reforms in India”.
The Centre for Energy Regulation (CER) is organizing the Symposium of the Power Sector Reform (PSR) Programme – Phase II, titled "Shaping the Next Era of Power Sector Reforms in India”, on Friday, 21st March, 2025 in New Delhi.
6th Regulatory Conclave on "Energy Transition and Framework for Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO)" March 11, 2025
5th Regulatory Conclave on "Resource Adequacy Framework for Distribution Utilities: Methodological and Implementation Issues" February 15, 2025
Capacity Building Programme for LDC's on "Regulatory and Policy Framework in the Indian Power Sector: Load Despatchers Perspective" December 11 - December 13, 2024
Institutional Capacity Building (ICB) Programme on "Regulatory Framework in the Power Sector - Learning from Experiences in Europe" October 21 - October 25, 2024
'4th Regulatory Conclave' on "Role of Women in Power Sector Regulation" September 7, 2024
'3rd Regulatory Conclave' to discuss the "Regulatory Governance in the Indian Power Sector: Reporting and Accounting Framework for ERCs" on July 17, 2024.
45th International Association for Energy Economics Conference in Istanbul, Turkey, on June 25-28, 2024.
Register for online debate by Indian Association for Energy Economics (I-AEE) on "India's Energy Needs to meet stated Economic Targets for 2035/2047"on 10th May, 2024 16.00 - 17.30 IST
Registration open for the 2nd Regulatory Certification Program (RCP) on "Renewable Energy: Economics, Policy and Regulation". The program is scheduled from June 7 - June 23, 2024. Registration open till June 4, 2024.
CER, IIT Kanpur organised a Stakeholder Consultation Workshop to explore the power market derivatives for the Indian power sector.
Valedictory function for the Regulatory Certificate Program on "Power Sector Regulations: Theory and Practice" from 16th Feb to 3rd March 2024 held on 9th March 2024.
CER, on behalf of FoR, organized the '4th Global Regulatory Perspectives Programme for Members of State Electricity Regulatory Commissions' on November 20 - 22, 2023 | Sydney, Australia.
CER, IIT Kanpur is pleased to announce registration for Regulatory Certification Program (RCP) on "Power Market Economics and Operation". Deadline for Registration: 02nd June 2023
CER, on behalf of FoR, organized the '16th Capacity Building Programme for Officers of Electricity Regulatory Commissions' on "Regulatory Perspectives on Network, Renewable Energy and Market Development" on February 03 – 04, 2023 | IITK Noida Outreach Centre || February 06 – 09, 2023 | Melbourne
CER is pleased to announce registration for Regulatory Certification Program (RCP) on "Power Sector Regulation: Theory and Practice". Deadline for Registration: 15th February 2023
CER is pleased to announce registration for Regulatory Certification Program (RCP) on "Renewable Energy: Economics, Policy and Regulation". Deadline for Registration: 4th October 2022
CER, IIT Kanpur is pleased to announce registration for Regulatory Certification Program (RCP) on "Power Market Economics and Operation". Deadline for Registration: 25th June 2022
CER, IIT Kanpur is pleased to announce registration for Regulatory Certification Program (RCP) on "Power Sector Regulation: Theory and Practice". Deadline for Registration: 29th May 2022
The Indian Association for Energy Economics (I-AEE) would like to invite you to the online debate on the theme 'India's Energy Transition – Aspirations, Preparedness and Way Forward'. Event date: March 16, 2022 from 16.00 – 17.30 IST
CER organized the '15th Capacity Building Programme for Officers of Electricity Regulatory Commissions' to discuss the "Regulatory Best Practices for the Power Sector: Preparing for the Emerging Scenario" on March 09-11, 2022.
CER releases 3rd issue (Volume 4 Issue 3) of Centre’s Newsletter Regulatory Insights
CER, IIT Kanpur is delighted to share that CER Newsletter "Regulatory Insights" is assigned ISSN No. for online publication.ISSN : 2583-2182(O)
CER releases 2nd issue (Volume 4 Issue 2) of Centre’s newsletter Regulatory Insights
CER, IIT Kanpur is pleased to announce registration for Regulatory Certification Program (RCP) on "Power Market Economics and Operation". Deadline for Registration: 18th Nov. 2021
CER, IIT Kanpur is pleased to announce registration for Regulatory Certification Program (RCP) on "Power Sector Regulation: Theory and Practice". Deadline for Registration: 30th Sept. 2021
CER study on "The Role of Women in Power Sector Regulation" - online survey
Shri R. K. Singh, Hon'ble Minister of Power, New and Renewable Energy inaugurated and launched "Reform and Regulatory Knowledge Base for Power Sector", developed by Centre for Energy Regulation (CER), IIT Kanpur.
CER releases 1st issue (Volume 4 Issue 1) of Centre’s newsletter Regulatory Insights
CER organized the '2nd Regulatory Conclave' to discuss the "Impact of COVID-19 on Electricity Supply Chain: Regulatory and Policy Perspectives" on July 08, 2021.
India's Energy Transition – Aspirations, Preparedness and Way Forward - June 26, 10.30-12.00 IST
CER organized the '3rd Global Regulatory Perspectives Programme for Commissioners of Electricity Regulatory Commissions' on March 04 - 05 & 11 - 12, 2021.
CER organized the '14th Capacity Building Programme for Officers of Electricity Regulatory Commissions' to discuss the "Regulatory Approach to Tariff Setting in the Power Sector – Power Procurement and Renewable Energy" on March 01-03, 2021.
CER and EAL organized the '2nd Regulatory Manthan' to discuss the "Relinquishment of Long-term CGS PPAs beyond Tenure: Impact on Generators, Discoms & Market" on January 8-9, 2021.
CER organized the '1st Regulatory Manthan' to discuss the "Developing a Multi-year Tariff (MYT) Framework: Insights and Discussion on the Draft Regulation of Gujarat and Chhattisgarh" on November 6, 2020.
IEA organized the workshop in partnership with CER and NITI Aayog, GoI on Power System Transformation Workshop#2: State of Gujarat on October 7, 2020.
CER releases 1st issue (Volume 3 Issue 1) of Centre’s newsletter Regulatory Insights
CER organized the '1st Regulatory Conclave (Online)' to discuss the "Draft Electricity Act (Amendment) Bill, 2020" on April 30th, 2020.
CER releases 4th issue (Volume 2 Issue 4) of Centre’s newsletter Regulatory Insights
CER releases 3rd issue (Volume 2 Issue 3) of Centre’s newsletter Regulatory Insights
CER organized the ‘13th Capacity Building Programme for Officers of Electricity Regulatory Commissions’ from January 07th - 09th, 2020 in IIT Kanpur. The programme is supported by the Forum of Regulators.
CER releases 2nd issue (Volume 2 Issue 2) of Centre’s newsletter Regulatory Insights
CER organized the ‘2nd Global Regulatory Perspectives Programme for Commissioners of Electricity Regulatory Commissions’ from November 27th – 29th, 2019 in Sydney, Australia. The programme is supported by the Forum of Regulators.
IITK-IEX Course Program on "Emerging Trends in the Indian Power Sector: Market Design and Digitalization" from July 25-27, 2019 at PBCEC Conference Facility, Visitor's Hostel, IIT Kanpur.
The Centre organized its second ‘Regulatory Research Camp (RRC 2)’ as a five-day workshop from June 26-30, 2019 at Hotel Fortune Park, McLeod Ganj (Dharamshala), Himachal Pradesh on the topic 'Regulatory Framework for Distribution ARR and Tariff Determination'.
CER organized a Symposium on ‘Regulatory Framework for the Emerging Power Sector: European and Indian Perspectives’ from 18 – 19 May 2019 at Department of Industrial & Management Engineering (IME), IIT Kanpur.
The Centre invited Professor Tooraj Jamasb, Chair in Energy Economics, Co-Director, Durham Energy Institute (DEI), Durham University Business School, UK to visit IITK from 13-19 May 2019.
Dr. Anoop Singh from IIT Kanpur was invited to the FSR Global Forum - 2019 held at Florence, Italy from March 25-28, 2019. He shared some highlights from the discussion on "removing barriers to massive electrification business models."
CER organized 1st Global Regulatory Perspectives Programme for Commissioners of Electricity Regulatory Commissions from March 13 – 15, 2019 in Melbourne, Australia. The programme is supported by the Forum of Regulators.
CER organized 12th Capacity Building Programme for Officers of Electricity Regulatory Commissions on the theme Tariff Setting in the Power Sector – Best Practices and Emerging Regulatory Scenario on behalf of Forum of Regulators from February 11–13, 2019 at IIT Kanpur.
CER published a new monograph (book) on Regulatory Framework for Long-term Demand Forecasting and Power Procurement Planning which covers national and international practices building on the background research by the Centre and the deliberations of First Regulatory Research Camp (RRC 1) organized by the Centre from July 10–14 , 2018, Parwanoo, Himachal Pradesh.
An international perspective to the Centre’s activities is brought forth by the first International Capacity Building (ICB 1) program conducted from October 14–20, 2018, on the topic Learning from Regulatory Experiences and Market Development in Europe.
CER releases 2nd issue (Volume 1 Issue 2) of Centre’s newsletter Regulatory Insights
A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed with FSR on October 11, 2018, for collaborative work. The MoU is a stride towards establishing international collaborations for arriving at solutions to problems of common interest. The MoU was signed by Prof. Jean-Michel Glachant, Director, FSR and Prof. S Ganesh, Dean Research & Development, IIT Kanpur. Creation of such an alliance would not only benefit the Centre and both institutions but also the regulatory institutions and other stakeholders of the power sector in general.
Centre for Energy Regulation (CER) and Florence School of Regulation (FSR), Florence, Italy are organising a Symposium on “Future of Utilities: International and Indian Perspectives” on 10th and 11th October, 2018.
Inaugural ceremony of the Centre was organized on October 10, 2018, at the Department of MS, IIT Kanpur.
The Centre organized its first Regulatory Research Camp (RRC 1) as a five-day workshop from July 10-14, 2018 at Timber Trail Heights, Parwanoo, Himachal Pradesh on the topic Regulatory Framework for Long-term Demand Forecasting and Power Procurement Planning.
Launch ceremony of the country’s first Centre dedicated to regulatory research was held at Hotel Le Meridien in New Delhi on May 17, 2018. Shri P. K. Pujari, Chairperson, Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) unveiled the logo and web portal of the Centre at the ceremony.