Department of Management Sciences (DoMS) Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
Electricity Sector Reform

Speaker: Prof. Tooraj Jamasb, Durham University Business School

Regulatory Chair: Shri Rajan Preman Dinaraj, Chairman, KSERC


Regulation and Competition in the UK Retail Electricity Market

Speaker: Prof. Tooraj Jamasb, Durham University Business School

Regulatory Chair: Shri Mukesh Khullar, Member, MERC


Implementing Electricity Retail Competition in India: Drivers and Way Forward

Speaker: Dr. Anoop Singh, Centre for Energy Regulation, IIT Kanpur

Regulatory Chair: Shri Arbind Prasad, Chairperson, JSERC


Evolution of DNO Regulation in the UK

Speaker: Prof. Tooraj Jamasb, Durham University Business School

Session Chair: Shri Abhishek Ranjan, AVP and Head (Renewable Technology), BSES Rajhdhani Power Ltd.


Benchmarking Electricity Distribution Networks

Speaker: Prof. Tooraj Jamasb, Durham University Business School

Session Chair: Dr. Anoop Singh, CER, IIT Kanpur


Towards New Market Design: Security Constrained Economic Dispatch (SCED) of Electricity and Beyond

Speaker: Dr. Anoop Singh, Centre for Energy Regulation, IIT Kanpur

Session Chair: Shri Akhilesh Awasthy, Director (Market Operations), IEX


Network Utilities of Future : Economics and Business Models

Speaker: Prof. Tooraj Jamasb, Durham University Business School

Regulatory Chair: Shri Anand Kumar, Chairman, GERC


‘Future of Utilities: Emergence of Prosumers and Smart Grid: Indian Perspective’

Speaker: Dr. Anoop Singh, Centre for Energy Regulation, IIT Kanpur

Regulatory Chair: Shri Anand Kumar, Chairman, GERC

access_time15:30 –17:00

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