Department of Management Sciences (DoMS) Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

International Capacity Building (ICB)

The regulatory reforms, adoption of new technology and market reforms have moved ahead at a much faster pace across various international counterparts. A number of regulatory issues being faced in India have already been dealt with alternate approaches in the international regulatory regimes. So, a peer-to peer interaction between the regulatory/utility staff and other relevant stakeholders including academia with those in more mature regulatory regimes will provide a good opportunity to learn from their experiences with reforms and the corresponding challenges faced.

First International Capacity Building

Cer-Centre for Energy Regulation
Cer-Centre for Energy Regulation
1st International Capacity Building
“Learning from Regulatory Experiences and Market Development in Europe”

CER organized its 1st International Capacity Building (ICB) programme on the theme Learnings from Regulatory Experiences and Market Development in Europe. Experts from host institutes discussed the identified topic. The program was scheduled from October 14–20, 2018 which covered the institution/site visits in Paris, London, and Cambridge. The participants for the ICB include selected officers from Electricity Regulatory Commissions (ERCs) and electric utilities, and academia. The purpose of the visit was to assist effective networking of expert participants from Indian ERCs, utilities, academia with their counterparts from the host institutes.

Mon, 15 October, 2018 location_onParis
access_time 9:45 Hrs. - 13:00 Hrs. Network Tariff design, ENEDIS presentation
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Electromobility, Prof. Yannick Perez (CentraleSupélec and Florence School of Regulation)
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Concluding remarks, C Bonnery,IAEE President.
access_time 15:00 Hrs. - 16:30 Hrs. Institutional Visit to Commission de Régulation de l'Energie (CRE) Download PDF

Tue, 16 October, 2018 location_onParis
access_time 10:00 Hrs. – 12:30 Hrs EV- Charging Infrastructure Site Visit @ Vedecom Institute in Satory.

Wed, 17 October, 2018 location_onCambridge
access_time 11:00 Hrs. - 12:30 Hrs GB network regulation and Issues in integration of RES, Prof. Michael Pollitt,Cambridge Judge Business School Download PDF

Thu, 18 October, 2018 location_onLondon
11:00 Hrs. - 12:30 Hrs. Market Developments in UK and Market Products, Mr. Howard Wright, Head of UK Public and Regulatory Affairs, EPEX Spot. Download PDF

Fri, 19 October, 2018 location_onLondon
access_time 09:00 Hrs. - 10:30 Hrs. UK Electricity Market Reform and the Energy Transition: Emerging Lessons, Prof. Michael Grubb,UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources Download PDF
access_time 11:00 Hrs. - 12:30 Hrs. Impact of low-carbon generation and energy storage on the electricity market, Prof. Green Richard,Imperial College London Download PDF
access_time 14:00 Hrs. - 15:30 Hrs. Evolution of retail competition in the UK and its implementationRegulatory Monitoring and Compliance Download PDF
- Chris Brown,Head of Core and Emerging Policy
- Meghna Tewari,Head of Retail Market Policy
access_time 16:00 Hrs. - 17:00 Hrs. Smart Grid Rollout in the UK Development of Electric Vehicle Charging infrastructure in the UK
- Trade - 'The UK Power Sector - overview, experience', Robert Kinnaird,Deputy Head Office for Low Emission Vehicles
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