Department of Management Sciences (DoMS) Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Renewable send Open Access and Captive Generation
04 March 2025

Objective: The draft regulations is to promote renewable energy adoption by enabling non-discriminatory open access to green energy for consumer with a demand of 100 kW or above. It aims to facilitate the regulations, reduce dependency on fossil fuels, ensure fair pricing, and align with India’s clean energy goals. The framework defines charges, energy banking, compliance norms, and approval processes, making green energy more accessible and efficient for more


Tariff Determination (MYT) send Tariff- Generation, Transmission, SLDC, Distribution
04 February 2025

UPERC (MYT for Distribution and Transmission Tariff) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 2024. [Draft] issued on 2th September, 2024.Objective: The draft document features updated methodology on “Treatment of Incremental Power Procurement Cost” under previous MYT for Distribution and Transmission Tariff Regulations, 2019. The draft document specifies that the computation of the fuel and power purchase adjustment surcharge (FPPAS) shall be automatically passed through and adjusted for monthly billing in accordance more


Part Load Operation send Compensation
04 February 2025

The GRID- INDIA notified “Draft Regulation on (Mechanism of Compensation for Degradation of   Heat Rate, Auxiliary Consumption, and Secondary Fuel Oil Consumption    Due to Part Load Operation and Multiple Start/Stop of Units) Regulations, 2024.Objective: ❖ Fair Compensation: Provide a structured method to compensate generators for losses in heat rate, auxiliary energy consumption, and secondary fuel oil usage.❖ Promote Efficiency: Encourage generators to maintain operational efficiency and minimize degradation impacts. ❖ Transparent Mechanism: more


Resource Adequacy send Resource Adequacy
04 February 2025

The Assam Electricity Regulatory Commission notified Draft Regulation on (Framework for Resource Adequacy) Regulations, 2024.Objective: The objective of these Regulations is to enable the implementation of Resource Adequacy framework by outlining a mechanism for planning of generation, transmission resources for reliably meeting the projected demand in compliance with specified reliability standards for serving the load with an optimum generation mix. a) Demand assessment and forecastingb) Generation resource planning c) Procurement more


Indian Carbon Market (ICM) send Carbon Credit Certificate
08 January 2025

Highlights:The regulations apply to CCCs offered for transactions on Power Exchanges, including contracts in CCCs as approved by the Commission. Following are key features of the document❖ Registry: The Grid Controller of India will function as the Registry for the exchange of CCCs and establish the necessary framework.❖ Functions of Administrator: The Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) will act as the Administrator, formulating detailed procedures, providing assistance to the Commission, more


Discussion Paper send Coincident Peak, Capacity Credit, Recourse Adequacy
07 January 2025

Highlights: According to the guidelines established by the Ministry of Power for the Resource Adequacy planning framework in June 2023, the Central Electricity Authority (CEA) is responsible for publishing capacity credits for various generating resources and outlining each State/UT’s contribution to the national peak. Objective: CEA has produced a draft discussion paper that explores different methodologies for evaluating the capacity credit of solar, wind, and other renewable energy sources. The paper more


Tariff Determination (MYT) send Tariff- Generation, Transmission, SLDC, Distribution
10 December 2024

The OERC notified "Terms and Conditions for Determination of Generation Tariff Regulations, 2024".​ The key highlights of this draft is mentioned below:Objective: The draft regulation, will guide the determination of generation tariffs for existing and future generating stations, excluding those with tariffs set through competitive bidding or by the CERC, and those based on renewable energy sources. ​ The regulations cover various aspects including the determination of tariffs more


Demand Response send Demand Response
04 December 2024

Highlights:The AERC Demand Response (DR) regulation aims to integrate DR into regular distribution operations to improve efficiency, manage load, reduce costs, and facilitate renewable energy integration. It promotes dynamic pricing, network reliability, congestion relief, and participation in ancillary services. Guidelines issued by the Commission ensure the design, implementation, evaluation, and monitoring of DR programs, emphasizing cost-effectiveness, data protection, and robust database systems.Objectives of AERC Demand Response (DR) Regulation:❖ Integration more


Renewable send Hydro Pumped Storage
11 November 2024

Highlights: MoP notified Tariff based competitive bidding guidelines for procurement of storage capacity/stored energy from Pumped Storage Plants), 2024 on 22nd August, 2024. The key highlights of this draft is mentioned below:Objective:  The draft guideline provide a framework for procurement in Odisha. The National Framework for Promotion of Energy Storage Systems (ESS) 2023 aims to facilitate India's transition to renewable energy sources by addressing the challenges more


Amendment send Terms and Conditions of Tariff
08 November 2024

Objective: The objective of these Regulations is to include the provisions for determination of tariff for generating station or unit thereof (excluding the renewable generators) and transmission system or element thereof whose tariff is to be determined by the Commission u/s 62 of the COD falls within the tariff period from 01.04.2024 to 31.03.2029 and for the projects whose final tariff has not been determined till 31.03.2024.The proposed more


Renewable send Procurement of Energy from Renewable Sources
07 October 2024

The OERC notified “Procurement of Energy from Renewable Sources and its Compliance Regulations, 2024” on 13th August, 2024. The key highlights of this draft is mentioned below: Objective:  The draft regulation provide a framework for renewable energy procurement in Odisha. These regulations apply to all "Obligated Entities," including distribution licensees and consumers with captive generating plants of 1 MW or more. Obligated Entities must meet their Renewable Purchase Obligation more


Guidelines send Resource Adequacy
07 October 2024

The OERC notified “Framework for Resource Adequacy” on 4th June, 2024. The key highlights of this draft is mentioned below: Objective: The sole objective of Resource Adequacy framework is the reliable fulfilment of the peak demand with the help of adequate supply of generation and demand response.The Resource Adequacy framework will cover the following important aspects:    a) Availability of adequate generation capacities to reliably serve demand under multiple more


Electricity send Ancillary Services
19 September 2024

Madhya Pradesh MPERC issued draft "Ancillary Services" Regulations, 2024 on 08th August, 2024, aiming to minimise deviation and helping in maintaining grid at 50 Hz .Objective: The Ancillary Services (AS) mechanism are designed to establish procedures for the procurement, deployment, and payment to service providers at the state level. The goal is to support SLDC in maintaining grid frequency, alleviate congestion in the intra-state transmission network, and ensuring more


Staff Paper send Market Monitoring
06 September 2024

Highlights:The Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) staff has prepared a Staff Paper on Regulatory Oversight on Bidding Behaviour in Power Exchanges, which discusses the regulatory framework and pricing methodology in Indian Power Exchanges. The paper, dated May 2024, is not binding on the Commission and aims to initiate discussions on regulatory oversight and solicit inputs from stakeholders.The paper reviews the CERC Pricing Staff Paper from October 2022, which more


Renewable send Open Access and Captive Generation
05 September 2024

DERC notified a draft (Terms and Conditions for Green Energy Open Access) Regulations, 2024. [Draft] on 10th June, 2024Objective: The objective of these Regulations is to provide non-discriminatory Open Access for Green Energy (Renewable Energy) for use of Intra-State Transmission System(s) (InSTS) and/or Distribution System(s) of licensee(s) in State including Intra-State Transmission or Distribution System(s), which are incidental to Inter-State Transmission of electricity, for grant of open access, more


Green Energy send Renewable Purchase Obligation & REC
29 August 2024

Highlights:Objective: The Draft Regulation for implementing RPO and REC frameworks in the National Capital Territory of Delhi. It mandates that dicoms, captive & open access consumers meet specific RPO obligations, with targets varying yearly for different RE sources, including wind and hydro power. The draft define key terms, set compliance mechanisms and outline penalties for non - compliance. The framework aim to ensure that a portion of electricity more


Guidelines send Resource Adequacy
13 August 2024

TNERC notified draft Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission (Framework for Resource Adequacy) Regulations, 2024 on 13th June, 2024 for providing framework for resource adequacy. The key highlights of this draft is mentioned below:Objectives:The overall objective of the Resource Adequacy (RA) framework is found a cost- effective approach to meet forecasted demand at all the times with a mechanism of sharing of resources among distribution licensee (DL) and states more


Tariff Determination (MYT) send Tariff- Generation, Transmission, SLDC, Distribution
13 August 2024

The Uttarakhand Electricity Regulatory Commission notified draft "Terms and Conditions for Determination of Multi Year Tariff" Regulations, 2024. The control period of this regulation is for five years i.e. FY 2025-26 to 2029-30. Summary: The Commission circulated the Multi Year Tariff Determination process to initiate discussion and solicit feedback from stakeholders. These regulation will cover the entire state of Uttarakhand and are applicable to all new and existing generation more


Renewable send Renewable Purchase Obligation
29 July 2024

The UERC notified amendments on "Tariff and Others Terms for Supply of Electricity from  Renewable Energy Sources and non-fossil fuel based Co-generating Stations" (First Amendment) Regulations, 2024". The key highlights of this draft is mentioned below:Objective:  The draft amendment regulation aims to issue revised targets of Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO) to the distribution licensee, open access consumers and captive users. A new category "Distributed RPO", the distributed RPO more


Transmission send Deviation Settlement Mechanism
29 July 2024

CERC notified for Deviation Settlement Mechanism (DSM) on 30th April 2024. The key highlights of this draft regulations are given below:Objective: The governing body have monitoring the grid events namely frequency excursions and frequency fluctuations. To ensure smooth and secure grid operation the new regulation have been designed accordingly.New definitions added in the draft regulations: ❖ Contract rate: An alternative method of calculation have been introduced. It is weighted average more


Renewable Energy send Rooftop Solar Generation
22 May 2024

The MNRE notified "MNRE (Draft Guidelines for implementation of PM-Surya Ghar: Muft Bijli Yojana for component to "CFA to Residential Sector"), 2024" on 16th March, 2024. The key highlights of this draft is mentioned below:Objective: The objective of PM-Surya Ghar: Muft Bijli Yojana is to promote the installation of rooftop solar systems in the residential sector. The scheme aims to achieve the installation of 1 crore rooftop solar more


Generation send Captive Generating Plant
20 May 2024

The KERC notified "Revised Draft on KERC (Verification of captive status of generating plants/consumers in the State of Karnataka) Regulation, 2024" on 12th March, 2024. The key highlights of this draft is mentioned below:Objective: The document is a notification from the Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission (KERC) regarding the Revised Draft KERC (Verification of Captive Status of Generating Plants/Consumers in the State of Karnataka) Regulations, 2024. The revised draft regulations aim more


Renewable Energy send Generation
26 April 2024

Objectives: Procedure to determine the levellised generic tariff for small hydro projects (SHP) up to 1 mw capacity, biogas power projects with Rankine cycle technology and project specific tariff for small hydro projects, wind power projects, solar PV projects, renewable energy hybrid projects, municipal solid waste based power projects and refuse derived fuel based power projects, renewable energy with storage project and any other renewable energy technology as more


Guidelines send Resource Adequacy
25 April 2024

APSERC notified draft Arunachal Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Framework for Resource Adequacy) Regulations, 2024 on 28th February, 2024 for providing framework for resource adequacy. The key highlights of this draft is mentioned below:Objectives:The overall objective of the Resource Adequacy (RA) framework is to avoid demand-supply mismatches and ensure system security and reliability at a national level. This involves enhancing the accuracy of long-term demand forecasting and power procurement more


Renewable send Tariff
25 April 2024

The CERC notified "CERC (Connectivity and General Network Access to the inter-State Transmission System) Regulations, 2022" on 16th February, 2024 applicable for interstate entities for transmission of power. The key highlights of this draft is mentioned below:Objective:The draft notification proposes significant amendments to the existing regulations governing the connectivity and general network access to the inter-State transmission system in the electricity sector. The changes aim to address various more


Tariff Determination (MYT) send Tariff- Generation, Transmission, SLDC, Distribution
23 April 2024

Highlights:CERC notified draft Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions of Tariff) Regulations, 2024 for the tariff period from 01.04.2024 to 31.03.2029 on 4th January, 2024. The proposed Regulations include the provisions for determination of tariff for generating station or unit thereof (excluding the renewable generators) and transmission system or element thereof whose tariff is to be determined by the Commission u/s 62 of the COD falls within more


Transmission send Inter-State Transmission
18 April 2024

The CERC notified “CERC (Connectivity and General Network Access to the inter-State Transmission System) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2024” on 16th February, 2024 applicable for interstate entities for transmission of power. The key highlights of this draft is mentioned below:Objective: The draft notification proposes significant amendments to the existing regulations governing the connectivity and general network access to the inter-State transmission system in the electricity sector. The changes aim more


Generation send Green Energy
05 April 2024

Highlights:Objective: These Regulations shall be applicable for allowing Open-access towards generation, purchase and consumption of green energy as defined under clause 3.1 (h) of these Regulations, including but not limited to energy from Waste-to-Energy plant, and for use of the intra-state transmission systems (InSTS) and/or distribution systems of licensees in the State, including such intra-state transmission and/or distribution systems, which are incidental to the inter-state transmission of electricity. CER more


Generation send Captive Generating Plant
31 January 2024

Highlights:Objective: To rigorously assess and determine the captive status of generating plants and their captive users scattered across various states. In this context, Captive Generating Plants (CGPs) and their users must adhere to certain specific criteria to preserve their captive status as per the requirements of Rule 3 of the Electricity Rules, 2005.The letter in in reference CEA (Proposed procedure for verification of captive status of such generating more


Transmission send Transmission licence
22 December 2023

Highlights:The CERC notified "CERC (Procedure, Terms and Conditions for grant of Transmission Licence and other related matters) Regulations, 2023" on 28th November, 2023 applicable for interstate entities for transmission of power. The key highlights of this draft is mentioned below:Objective: To establish eligibility criteria, procedures, terms and conditions for entities involved in interstate power transmission and to formalize arrangement for regulated tariff mechanism, enabling licence acquisition by winning more


Indian Carbon Market (ICM) send Carbon Credit Trading Scheme
22 December 2023

Highlights:Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) notified draft Detailed Procedure for Compliance Mechanism under the Indian Carbon Market (ICM) on 9th November, 2023. The key highlights of the document are mentioned below: - Objective: The purpose and vision for the development of ICM is to accelerate decarbonization and meet Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) targets.Legal framework:❖ ICM was established under the Energy Conservation Act, of 2001, and the Environment (Protection) Act, more


Tariff Determination (MYT) send Tariff- Generation, Transmission, SLDC, Distribution
01 December 2023

Highlights:The Gujarat Electricity Regulatory Commission (GERC) has circulated draft regulations for the Multi Year Tariff Determination process to initiate discussion and solicit feedback from stakeholders. These regulation will cover the entire state of Gujarat and apply to all existing generation companies, transmission licensees, distribution licensees, the State Load Dispatch Center (SLDC). The regulations will be in the effect from April 1, 2024 to March 31, 2029, unless otherwise more


Regulations send Tariff - Generation, Distribution, Transmission
17 November 2023

Highlights:CERC released approach paper for terms and conditions of Tariff Regulations for the tariff period 01.04.2024 to 31.03.2029. The discussion paper includes the approach for determination of different tariff components for a generating company (coal and gas based and large hydro) and a transmission licensee, taking into consideration, the target to be a net-zero country by 2070, revised Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) submitted by India and ensure more


Rooftop Solar send Renewable Purchase Obligation
07 November 2023

Highlights:Objective: To measure the Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO) for the Solar rooftop systems having battery installed on the DC side of the system.The letter in in reference to DERC (Net Metering for Renewable Energy) Regulations, 2014 and DERC (Group Net Metering and Virtual Net Metering for Renewable Energy) Guidelines, 2019. These regulations provide the pathway for the installation of renewable energy system (RES) with battery energy storage system more


Power Markets send Market Coupling
30 October 2023

Highlights:CERC notified a Discussion Paper on “Market Coupling” on 21st August, 2023. Objective: The sole objective of the discussion paper is the collection of bids from different power exchanges and discover a uniform market clearing price that could potentially lead to uniform liquidity among power exchanges and increase in economic surplus. The key highlights of the draft are given below:❖ IEX dominates the share in the collective transaction segment ❖ Coupling of Power more


Power Markets send SCED - Power Market
26 October 2023

Highlights:Grid-India notified “Detailed Procedures for Security Constrained Unit Commitment (SCUC), Unit Shut Down (USD), and Security Constrained Economic Despatch (SCED) at Regional Level” on 07th September, 2023. The key highlights of the draft are mentioned below:❖ This document aims to clarify the roles and duties of different parties involved and provide a framework for operation of Security Constraint Unit Dispatch (SCUC), Unit Shut down (USD) and Security Constraint Economic more


Electricity send FPPCA
13 September 2023

Highlights:UERC notified a draft document (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Multi Year Tariff) (2nd Amd) Regulations, 2023. June, 2023❖ According to the proposed draft Regulation 83 the term “Fuel Cost adjustment” has been rephrased as “Fuel and Power Cost Adjustment (FPPCA)”.❖ The FPPCA charge shall be applicable on the entire sale of the Distribution Licensee without any exemption to any consumer.❖ UERC has proposed that, timeline for computation and verification more


Electricity send Renewable Energy
13 September 2023

Highlights:DERC notified draft DERC (Net Metering for Renewable Energy) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2023.In the proposed amendment, the definitions of ‘Blockchain’, ‘Peer to Peer Transaction’ and ‘Prosumer’ have been introduced. The objective of this regulations is to provide flexibility to the prosumer and consumer to use renewable energy using distribution network of distribution licensee. This peer to peer mode of transaction billing and accounting will be done by distribution more


Guidelines send Resource Adequacy
07 August 2023

Highlights:Ministry of Power (MoP), in consultation with Central Electricity Authority has notified 'Guidelines for RA Planning Framework for India' on 28th June, 2023. These guidelines are to be followed by the institutions and stakeholders such as CEA, NLDC, RLDCs, SLDCs, DISCOMs, SERCs/JERCs, etc. to ensure sufficient tie up of capacities to meet RA requirements over different time horizons.Objective: To provide discoms with sufficient generation capacity to meet the more


Single Point Supply send Duty to supply Electricity
02 August 2023

Highlights:HERC notified the regulation on Single Point Supply to Employer’s Colonies, Group Housing Societies and Residential or Commercial cum Residential Complexes of Developers on 22nd April, 2020. According to this regulation, a single point should be bounded with walls and should have restricted entry for further supply of electricity to the members/employees and other services/establishments inside their premises by the GHS/Employer/Developer. Again a draft was notified on “Duty to Supply Electricity more


Guidelines send Forecasting
14 July 2023

Highlights:CEA notified a draft on “Guidelines for Medium and Long Term Power Demand Forecast” on 11th April, 2023. The key highlights of the draft are given below:Objective: To standardize the forecasting methodology for the discoms across the country.As per the draft, the medium term forecast should be prepared more than 1 year and up to 5 years while long term forecast should be at least for the 5 more


Generation send Renewable - Thermal
28 June 2023

Highlights:MPERC notified a draft for approach paper on “Methodology for Estimation of Electricity generated from Biomass in Biomass co-fired thermal power plants”. The objective of this approach paper is to mandate the state sector coal-based thermal power plants whose tariff is determined by the Commission under Section 62, Section 63 of the Electricity Act 2003 and also the captive power plant to use biomass pellets along with coal.The key more


Electricity send Renewable Energy
16 June 2023

Highlights:RERC notified a draft on “RERC (Grid Interactive Distributed Renewable Energy Generating Systems) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2023 in May, 2023. ❖ According to the proposed draft, in case of net billing arrangement as well as net metering arrangement, the peak AC capacity of the RE generator should not exceed the capacity under the connection agreement.❖ In case of net billing arrangement, if the peak AC capacity exceeds the more


Electricity send Rules
16 June 2023

Highlights:The MoP issued the Draft Electricity (Amendment) Rules, 2023 on 20th April, 2023. The key highlights of the document is as below:The notification proposes amendment in Section 15 of the Electricity Rules, 2005 which mandates the accounting and payment of subsidies payable to discoms under section 65 of the Act to be done in accordance with Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) issued by the Central Govt. Respective SERCs will more


Transmission send Tariff - Transmission
24 May 2023

Highlights:CERC notified draft CERC (Sharing of Inter-State Transmission Charges and Losses) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2023. The key highlights of the draft are mentioned below:Objective: To determine the Yearly Transmission Charges (YTC) in case of an inter–State transmission system (ISTS) which has achieved deemed COD.Deemed COD: COD of an ISTS where Date of Commercial Operation (COD) has been approved in terms of proviso (ii) of Clause (3) of Regulation more


Renewable send Hydro Pumped Storage
03 May 2023

Ministry of Power notified a draft for promoting the development of PSP in the country on 15th February, 2023. The comments are invited for the same up to 2nd March, 2023. The major highlights on the draft are mentioned as below:❖ India for clean energy transition by NDC targets of 50% of installed capacity to be renewable and 45% reduction in emissions by 2030 and going net zero more


Open Access send Green Open Access
02 May 2023

The Ministry of Power, Govt. of India, notified the Electricity (Promoting Renewable Energy through Green Energy Open Access) Rules, 2022 on 6th June, 2022 applicable on generation, purchase and consumption of green energy including waste-to-energy plants. In adherence to the same, HERC proposed the HERC (Green Energy Open Access) Regulations, 2023. The key highlights of the draft are mentioned below: Objective: To contribute for the fulfilment of the India’s more


Procedure send TRAS
10 April 2023

Highlights -POSOCO notified a draft on “Detailed Procedure for Tertiary Reserve Ancillary Service (TRAS)” on 20th February, 2022. The key highlights of the draft are given below:Objective - The sole objective of TRAS is to maintain frequency in integrated operation of large power systems. Frequency response of any power system is generally characterized by frequency responses like primary response, secondary response, and tertiary response.The Procedure for Tertiary Reserve more


Power Markets send DA-SCED
21 March 2023

Highlights -Ministry of Power (MoP) notified a draft on Day-ahead (DA) Operation of Security Constrained Economic Despatch (SCED) on 24th January, 2023. The key highlights of the draft are mentioned below:❖ ISGS participating in DA-SCED shall submit their declared capacity along with ramp rate and minimum turndown level for the next day (D) on D-1 by 06:00 hrs. ❖ The entitlements and the share of beneficiaries shall be more


Regulations send Tariff - Generation, Distribution, Transmission
17 March 2023

Highlights -The Hon’ble Supreme Court of India gave its judgement on 23rd November, 2022 on Case (Civil Appeal No. 1933 of 2022) in which it rejected the plea of TATA Power Company Limited Transmission challenging the awarding of Rs. 7000 Cr. transmission infrastructure project without a tariff-based competitive bidding to Adani Power by the Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission (MERC). As per TATA Power Company Limited Transmission, MERC should more


Generation send Renewable
17 February 2023

Highlights -The Ministry of Power is considering Renewable Generation Obligation in accordance with Tariff Policy to enhance the generation and utilisation of Renewable Energy (RE) in the country. For decarbonisation, India has set a target of net zero by 2070 alongside intermittent targets by 2030. India has committed to achieve 50% of cumulative electric power installed capacity from non-fossil fuel-based energy sources by 2030.The Ministry of Power has more


Power Markets send Power Market Design
17 February 2023

Highlights -Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) notified the “Staff Paper on Power Market Pricing” in October, 2022. The last date to submit comments on the same is 4th November, 2022.  The key highlights of Staff Paper are as follows:The global electricity market scenario is explained in brief. This includes the scenario of Australia, Europe and India. It shows that the unprecedented high prices in electricity markets coupled by more


Regulations send Tariff - Generation, Distribution, Transmission
10 February 2023

Highlights -The Hon’ble Supreme Court of India gave its judgement on 23rd November, 2022 on Case (Civil Appeal No. 1933 of 2022) in which it rejected the plea of TATA Power Company Limited Transmission challenging the awarding of Rs. 7000 Cr. transmission infrastructure project without a tariff-based competitive bidding to Adani Power by the Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission (MERC). As per TATA Power Company Limited Transmission, MERC should more


Regulations send Tariff - Generation, Distribution, Transmission
10 February 2023

Highlights -The Hon’ble Supreme Court of India gave its judgement on 23rd November, 2022 on Case (Civil Appeal No. 1933 of 2022) in which it rejected the plea of TATA Power Company Limited Transmission challenging the awarding of Rs. 7000 Cr. transmission infrastructure project without a tariff-based competitive bidding to Adani Power by the Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission (MERC). As per TATA Power Company Limited Transmission, MERC should more


Regulations send Staff Paper on Power Market
30 January 2023

Highlights -Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) notified the Staff Paper on Power Market Pricing in  October, 2022. The key highlights of Staff Paper are as follows:Objective: The document gives brief introduction about the functioning of electricity market, the role of power exchanges and percentage share in volume of transactions taking place through power market, bilateral, deviation settlement mechanism (DSM), PPAs. Brief overview regarding the procedure for transaction taking more


Guidelines send Pooling
30 January 2023

Highlights -Ministry of Power (MoP) on 15th November, 2022 notified the draft on Pooling of Tariff for Coal/Gas Generating stations which have completed 25 years. The key highlights of the draft are mentioned below:Objective: The objective of this concept note is to create a Genco-wise common pool (CP) of the plants (excluding Hydro) which have completed or are going to complete 25 years of service, for maintaining grid more


Electricity send Acts
27 January 2023

Highlights -The Union Power Ministry on 8th August, 2022 introduced the “Electricity (Amendment) Bill, 2022” in Lok Sabha.Key points of the proposed amendment bill are given below:❖ Section 14 (b): Distribution of electricity by a distribution licensee in an area of supply in accordance with criteria prescribed by the Central Government❖ Section 14 (b) (Sixth proviso): The Bill suggests to omit the words “through their own distribution system” more


Policy send Carbon Market
12 December 2022

Highlights -The policy paper for the Indian Carbon Market (ICM), released by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), Ministry of Power, Government of India, is an initiative to develop a domestic carbon market, where the emission credits issued to private and public entities will provide incentives for decarbonisation measures within many entities across multiple sectors. The development of such a market is expected to contribute to achieving India’s more


Guidelines send Resource Adequacy
06 December 2022

Highlights -CEA notified a draft on “Guidelines for Resource Adequacy Planning Framework for India” on 23rd September, 2022. The key highlights of the draft are given below:Objective - The sole objective of Resource Adequacy Framework is the reliable fulfilment of the peak demand with the help of adequate supply of generation and demand response. The Resource Adequacy Framework will cover the following important aspects:❖ Availability of adequate generation more


Generation send Captive Generation
06 December 2022

Highlights -The draft focuses on verification of the status of Captive Generating Plants (CGP) and Captive consumer, with respect to criteria of consumption and equity share as given in Electricity Rules, 2005. The verification will be done annually by the State Commission with the help of concerned SLDC, RLDC, and Distribution Licensees, after the end of the financial year on the basis of information submitted by the CGP more


Renewable send Wind Technology
25 November 2022

Highlights -The share of Wind power in the country has increased from 21.1 GW in March, 2014 to 40.3 GW in March, 2022. The wind turbines installed earlier at the sites with high wind energy potential are of sub MW capacity with low hub height. These wind turbines were inefficient and needed to be repower with the latest technologies. Objective -The objectives of the Repowering Policy are optimum more


Power Markets send ESCerts
25 November 2022

Highlights -In these Regulations, the term ‘Floor Price’ have been introduced and is defined as the minimum price at which the Energy Savings Certificate shall be traded on the power exchanges and is proposed to be fixed at ten percent of the price of 1 mtoe of energy consumed as notified by the Central Government from time to time. CER Opinion - 1. Determination of floor price: The more


Transmission send Tariff - Transmission
27 September 2022

Highlights -CERC notified a draft Sharing of Inter-State Transmission Charges and Losses on 11th June, 2022. The major highlights of the document is as below:The draft document modifies the yearly transmission charges and also rectify the formula for calculating the billing period. The transmission charges shall be shared on monthly basis and will be incorporated according to the Yearly Transmission Charges. Long Term Access, Medium Term Access and more


Generation send Engineering - Generation
01 September 2022

Highlights -CEA notified the draft Central Electricity Authority (Flexible operation of thermal power plants) Regulations, 2022. The highlights of the Regulations is as follows:❖ These Regulations shall apply to all coal and lignite based thermal power plants and load despatch centres.❖ All TPPs shall be capable of providing the required output as per the schedule for generation finalized by appropriate LDCs.❖ The appropriate Load Despatch Centres shall schedule more


Power Markets send DAM market
31 August 2022

Highlights -The Ministry of Power floated a proposal on High Price Market Segment for Day Ahead Market (HP-DAM) on 1st August, 2022. The key highlights of the document is as below:The issue of high price in spot market in Power Exchanges was addressed by CERC by introducing Price Cap of Rs 12/ unit in all market segments in April, 2022. The only drawback in it was that the more


Electricity send Solar Policy
31 August 2022

Highlights -To align with India's ambitious solar PV capacity expansion program, the State envisages to accelerate the deployment of solar power by means of implementation of large-scale projects, small scale distributed systems, establishment of ultra-mega solar parks and Rooftop solar PV projects. These targets will be achieved by introducing new mechanism that will support consumers, businesses and developers in the sector.Accordingly, State Government of Uttar Pradesh hereby declares more


Regulations send Power Procurement Planning
29 August 2022

Highlights -These Regulations are proposed to revise the MPERC (Power Purchase and Procurement Process), Regulations, Revision I, 2006 and shall be applicable to all purchases of power from conventional and renewable energy sources of energy made or as proposed to be made by a distribution licensee. In these regulations the Commission has laid down the framework for power procurement planning to be done by the distribution licensee using more


Renewable send REC Framework
12 August 2022

Highlights-POSOCO has notified draft on “Detailed Procedure for REC Mechanism in compliance of CERC (Terms and Conditions for Renewable Energy Certificates for Renewable Energy Generation) Regulations, 2022. It describes the following:❖ Roles and responsibilities of different entities involved in the process❖ Eligibility of different entities to participate in this procedure❖ Detailed process of accreditation & registration of the eligible entities connected to inter-state as well as intra-state transmission more


Distribution send Standard of Performance
29 July 2022

Highlights -  ❖ Case of Stay Order from Court, Tribunal or Commission - No payment until final decision from court. Also no payment in case of any arrears due to consumer.❖ Payment of Compensation - Consumer bills adjustments or NEFT/RTGS/cheque (permanent disconnection with no outstanding dues).Intimation to the consumer regarding guaranteed time for registration of complaints and regarding guaranteed standards of performance (Schedule I) and compensation amount (Schedule more


Power Markets send Open Access
08 July 2022

Highlights -WBERC on 12th May, 2022 notified the Draft WBERC (Open Access) Regulations, 2022. The key highlights of the draft are mentioned below,Extent of Application: These regulations shall be applicable for consumers drawing power from any non-captive generator without the use of intra-state transmission lines, or distribution network, such arrangement, including scheduling, determination of cross-subsidy surcharge, additional surcharge, distribution access charge, etc. Such customers shall ensure proper metering more


Power Markets send Ancillary Services
07 July 2022

Highlights -POSOCO on 24th May 2022 notified the draft Detailed Procedure for Estimation of the Requirement of Secondary Reserve Ancillary Services (SRAS) & Tertiary Reserve Ancillary Services (TRAS) at Regional Level. The key highlights of the draft are mentioned below,Methodology for assessment of the SRAS & TRAS reserves include:-❖ 99 Percentile of the Area Control Error (ACE) of the respective control area❖ Net demand forecast error❖ Variability in more


Consumer send Electricity Supply Code and Related Matters
06 April 2022

Highlights -GERC on 19th February, 2022 notified the Draft GERC (Electricity Supply Code and Related Matters) (3rd Amd) Regulations, 2022. The key highlights of the draft are mentioned below:❖ Licensee shall provide application tracking mechanism based on the unique registration number through website/ mobile app/ SMS/ any other electronic mode to monitor the application status.❖ Licensee shall provide new avenues for application or modification of existing connection for more


Renewable send Renewable Purchase Obligation
01 April 2022

Highlights -PERC notified a Draft on “APERC Renewable Power Purchase Obligation (Compliance by purchase of Renewable Energy/Renewable Energy Certificates) Regulations, 2022” on 17th March, 2022. The key highlights of the draft are mentioned below:Renewable power can be purchased by Distribution Licensees, Open Access Consumers, and captive generatingplants (with an installed capacity of one MW or more and connected to the grid) to meet their Renewable Power Purchase Obligation more


Consumer send Security Deposit
01 April 2022

Highlights -GERC on 19th February, 2022 notified the Draft GERC (Security Deposit) (3rd Amd) Regulations, 2022. The key highlights of the draft are mentioned below:Clause No. 4.11:The licensee shall pay interest on Security Deposit of consumer other than Security Deposit received from Temporary Consumer for the electricity supplied, at the Bank Rate (as on 1st April of every year) notified by Reserve Bank of India or such higher more


Consumer send Consumer Grievances Redressal Forum and Ombudsman
01 April 2022

Highlights -GERC on 19th February, 2022 notified the Draft GERC (Consumer Grievances Redressal Forum and Ombudsman) (1st Amd) Regulations, 2022. The key highlights of the draft are mentioned below,Discom shall establish the following Consumer Grievances Redressal Forums:-A Complainant can approach the Forum in the following events:i. If the Licensee fails to register a Complaintii. If the Licensee fails to resolve a Complaint in accordance more


Consumer send Licensee’s Power to Recover Expenditure incurred in providing Supply and other Miscellaneous Charges
01 April 2022

Highlights -GERC on 19th February, 2022 notified the Draft GERC (Licensees' Power to Recover Expenditure incurred in providing Supply and other Miscellaneous Charges) (3rd Amd) Regulations, 2022. The key highlights of the draft are mentioned below:Clause No. 7 (vi) (Maner of Accounting and Adjustment):The excess amount, if any, shall be refunded to the Consumer by issuing account payee cheque or by electronic mode within 30 days of energisation more


Transmission send Deviation Settlement Mechanism
23 March 2022

Highlights -UERC notified a draft on “Deviation Settlement Mechanism and Related Matters (First Amendment) Regulations, 2022” on March, 2022. The key highlights of this draft Regulation are given below:New Definition have been added:1. Area Clearing Price (ACP) means the price of a time block electricity contract established on the Power Exchanges after considering all valid purchase and sale bids in particular area(s) after-market splitting, i.e., dividing the market more


Regulations send Tariff - Generation, Distribution, Transmission
23 March 2022

Highlights -CERC notified a draft on “Connectivity and General Network Access to the inter-State Transmission System Regulations, 2021” on 16th December, 2021. The key highlights of this draft Regulation are given below:Objective: These Regulations aims to facilitate non-discriminatory open access to licensees or generating companies or consumers for use of inter-State transmission system through General Network Access and to consolidate the regulations on the subject.Connectivity: Eligibility for Connectivity more


Guidelines send Over The Counter (OTC) Platform
16 March 2022

Highlights -CERC notified the Draft Guidelines for Registration and Filing Application for Establishing and Operating Over the Counter (OTC) Platform on 26th January, 2022. The key highlights of the draft are mentioned below,❖ Registration for operation of OTC Platform: Entities shall not operate OTC Platforms unless registration has been granted under the Power Market Regulations (PMR), 2021.❖ Grant of Registration: The non-transferrable registration shall be in force for more


Guidelines send Short-term power procurement
13 January 2022

Highlights -MoP has issued the Amendments to Guidelines for short-term Procurement of Power (i.e. for a period of more than one day to one year) by Distribution Licensees through Tariff based bidding process on 22nd December, 2021. The key highlights of the draft are as below:-The following sub-clauses have been added in the existing Guidelines under Clause No. 6.4 (iv) g;❖ In case the Seller fails to offer more


Distribution send Intra-State Open-Access
04 January 2022

Highlights - TNERC notified a draft amendment to the Grid connectivity and Intra-State Open Access Regulations on 2nd December, 2021. The key points of this regulation are provided below:The following Regulation 19 (2) has been inserted in the prevailing Regulation.Priority for adjustment of energy drawn by open access consumers are summarized below. This shall be implemented for each slot/time block (adjustment in time bock to be relevant for more


Regulations send Consumer Grievances Redressal Forum & Ombudsman
27 December 2021

Highlights -HPERC notified draft amendment to the (Consumer Grievances Redressal Forum and Ombudsman) Regulations, 2021 on 24th Nov, 2021. The key highlights of the same are mentioned below:1. Prosumer (Regulation 3 ((1) (ia))): Definition of ‘Prosumer’ to be added in the prevailing Regulation.2. Additional Forum (Regulation 5 (2), (3)): Provision for establishment of at least one additional forum for each of distribution licensee’ operation circles, by the distribution more


Regulations send Short - Term Power Procurement
24 December 2021

Highlights -APERC issued draft on 23rd Nov, 2021 regarding (Terms and Conditions for short-term procurement/sale of power) Regulation, 2021. The key attributes of this Regulation are given below:Demand Estimation:SLDC to carry out monthly demand estimation for each block of 15 minutes duration, based on (historical data, demand forecasts by the licensees and AI tools - deep/machine learning etc). In addition to these, weekly & day-ahead demand estimations should more


Renewable send Renewable Purchase Obligation
17 December 2021

Highlights -Regulation (No. 4.7): In case of Hybrid Sources, the power procured from the hybrid project may be used for fulfillment of solar RPO and non-solar RPO in the proportion of rated capacity of solar and wind power in the hybrid plant respectively. Further, renewable power stored in any form of storage (Battery, Mechanical or Gravitational) and subsequently discharged to the grid from such storage shall be treated more


Regulations send Data Format
15 December 2021

Highlights - The Central Electricity Authority notified the (Furnishing of Statistics, Returns and Information) Regulations, 2007 on 19th April, 2007 which consisted of 65 formats for furnishing of the statistics, returns or information by the licensees, generating companies, person(s) generating electricity for its own use and person(s) engaged in generation, transmission, distribution, trading and utilization of electricity to the CEA.CEA by utilizing the power granted under sub-regulation (2) more


Transmission send Deviation Settlement Mechanism
25 October 2021

Highlights:CERC notified the draft for Deviation Settlement Mechanism (DSM) on 7th September, 2021. The Key highlights of this draft Regulation are given below:Objective: These Regulations aims to ensure grid stability and securityScope: Its applicability extends to all grid connected regional & other entities engaged in inter-state purchase and sale of electricity.New definitions added in the draft Regulation: ❖ General Seller: Seller who provide non-solar more


Electricity send Rules
22 October 2021

Highlights -Ministry of Power has issued the Draft Electricity (Rights of Consumers) Amendment Rules, 2021 on 30th September, 2021. The key highlights of the draft are given below,New Clauses under Rule No.10 (Reliability of Supply) is inserted:  ❖ DISCOMs shall ensure 24x7 uninterrupted power supply to control pollution levels by avoiding usage of DG sets particularly in metros and large cities. SERC shall provide more


Renewable send Renewable Purchase Obligation
24 September 2021

Highlights -RERC has issued the Draft RERC (Renewable Energy Obligation) (Seventh Amendment) Regulations, 2021 on August 2021. Some of the key highlights of the draft amendments are:• Hydro Power Obligation (HPO) is met with power from Large Hydro Power (LHP) projects including Pump Storage Projects with capacity greater than 25 MW, commissioned between 8th March 2019 and 31st March 2030, w.r.t 70% of total generated capacity for 12 more


Renewable send Green Energy Open Access
21 September 2021

Highlights -Ministry of Power issued the Draft Electricity (Promoting Renewable Energy through Green Energy Open Access) Rules, 2021 on 16th August, 2021. Some of the key points are:❖ Applicability - This rule will be pertinent to green energy purchase and consumption including energy generated via Waste-to-Energy plant.❖ Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO) - There will be uniform RPO for all obligated entities (i.e. the distribution licensees, open access and more


Regulations send Tariff - Generation, Distribution, Transmission
07 September 2021

Highlights -Chhattisgarh State Electricity Regulatory Commission released draft CSERC (Terms and Conditions for determination of tariff according to Multi-Year Tariff principles and Methodology and Procedure for determination of Expected revenue from Tariff and Charges) Regulations, 2021 based on the objections/suggestions/comments received on the Draft MYT Regulations, 2020. The important highlights of this draft regulation are given below:Financial Principles:❖  Return on Equity (Regulation 23):o   14% for Generation, Transmission & more


Renewable send Benchmark Capital Cost
01 September 2021

Highlights -Uttarakhand Electricity Regulatory Commission (UERC) reviewed the "Benchmark Capital Cost for Solar PV, Solar Thermal and Grid Interactive Rooftop & Small Solar PV Plants to be applicable for FY 2021-22 and onwards till reviewed/revised by the UERC" on 30th July, 2021.Some of the key points are given below:❖ The normative capital cost for Solar PV, Solar Thermal and Grid Interactive Rooftop & Small Solar PV Plants is more


Electricity send Harmonics
02 August 2021

Highlights -TNERC has issued a draft notification with amendments to electricity supply code on stipulating harmonic limits, methodology of measurements, meter standards, penalties etc., to ensure quality of supply to consumers on 29th June, 2021.Some of the key points of the proposed amendments are given below:❖ Sinusoidal nature of ac power is changed by non-linear loads, which result in harmonic current being introduced in power system that can more


RCP - PMEO 01 | Power Market Economics and Operation (2021) send Market Based Economic Dispatch (MBED)
30 July 2021

Highlights -Ministry of Power (MoP) issued a discussion paper on Market based Economic Dispatch (MBED) on 1st June, 2021. The discussion paper proposes the redesigning of Day-ahead market (DAM) with the following key objectives:❖ Meeting the system load with least-cost and efficient generation plants❖ Encouraging efficient generation capacity addition in the future through Uniform pricing framework❖ Facilitating increase in VRE integration through larger balancing area and reserve sharingEAL more


Electricity send Ancillary Services
27 July 2021

Highlights -Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) prepared and notified on 29th May, 2021 the draft Ancillary Service Regulations, 2021. The aim of the regulations are as follows:❖ To provide mechanisms for procuring, deploying, and paying for ancillary services, through administered and market-based mechanisms❖ To maintain grid safety and security while ensuring smooth power system operationEAL Opinion-❖ Demand response aggregator should be introduced as one of the eligible participants more


Renewable send REC Framework
01 July 2021

Highlights-Ministry of Power issued a discussion paper on redesigning the Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) Mechanism on 07th June, 2021.Key objectives:❖  To increase the share of non-fossil fuel based electricity energy to meet the international target of 175 GW by 2022.❖ To maintain the future energy security by promoting the new RE technologies such as Offshore wind, Hydrogen, Pumped storage hydro plant etc.Some of the more


Electricity send Security deposit
11 June 2021

Highlights -HPERC issued draft fourth amendment of ‘HPERC (Security Deposit) Regulations, 2021’ on 22nd April 2021.Some of the amended clauses are given below:❖ Security deposit amount - The amount equivalent to the average monthly bill (net of arrears and subsidy, if any) for (n+1) months based on the bills raised in relation to the period of 12 billing months immediately preceding the date of such demand.❖ Base for more


Electricity send Supply Code
08 June 2021

Highlights -JERC (Goa & UTs) proposed amendments in ‘JERC (Electricity Supply Code) Regulations, 2018’ on 12th May 2021. These are called JERC (Electricity Supply Code) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2021.Some of the amended clauses are given below:❖ "Disconnection" means the physical separation or remote disconnection of user or consumer from the Licensee’s system. ❖ "Load Factor" is the ratio of the total number of units consumed during a given period more


Renewable send Renewable Purchase Obligation
01 June 2021

Highlights -OERC proposed draft regulation for ‘Procurement of Energy from Renewable Sources and its Compliance’ on 27th April, 2021. Key points of this regulation are given below:❖ Co-firing of biomass in coal based thermal power station – Non-Solar RPO❖ Roof-top Solar PV system under net metering agreements – Solar RPO❖ Large hydropower projects (>25 MW and that started commercial operation after March 8, 2019) including pumped storage projects - more


Electricity send Policy
21 May 2021

Highlights:The Ministry of Power prepared and notified on 27th April, 2021 the draft National Electricity Policy, 2021. Aims of the policy are:  1. Promote clean and sustainable generation of electricity 2. Development of adequate and efficient transmission system 3. Revitalization of Discoms 4. Development of Efficient Markets for electricity 5. Supply of reliable and quality power of specified standards in an efficient manner 6. Move towards light touch regulation CER Opinion: 1. “Section 3. (National Electricity Policy more


Electricity send Rules
07 May 2021

Highlights:The Ministry of Power prepared and notified on 9th April, 2021 a draft amendment to the Electricity (Rights of Consumers) Rules, 2021. These rules may be called the Electricity (Rights of Consumers) (Amendment) Rules, 2021.Key points of the amendment rules are:Definitions of “Gross-metering”, “Net-metering” and “Net-billing or net feed-in” may be added in sub-rule to the Rule 2 of the Electricity (Rights of Consumers) Rules, 2020.The Commission may allow more


Power and RE Sector send Union Budget - 2021
27 April 2021

Highlights - Finance Ministry has recently discussed about a detail roadmap for effective implementation of the provisions related to the Power and Renewable Energy Sector in the Union Budget 2021- 22. The key points  are as follows:1. A framework will be planned to promote competition among DISCOMs and give consumers options to choose from more than one Distribution Company.2. A reform-based result-linked power distribution sector scheme will be launched more


Electricity send Rules
27 April 2021

Highlights -Ministry of Power (MoP) issued a draft on 1st Oct, 2020 on Electricity (Change in Law, Must-run status, and other Matters) Rules, 2020. Key points of the rules are given below:❖ Adjustment in Tariff on Change in Law -i. The appropriate Government may prescribe a formula by notification as per formula declared in the Electricity (Change in Law, Must-run status, and other Matters) Rules, 2020 by MoP, if more


Distribution send Tariff - Distribution
19 March 2021

Highlights -JERC (Goa & UTs) issued a draft Generation, Transmission and Distribution Multi-year Tariff Regulation, 2021, and will be applicable to the state of Goa and Union Territories. The key highlights of the regulation are given below:1. Capital Cost:Any gain or loss resulting from a shift in foreign exchange rates for the loan amount up to the date of commercial operation would be offset only against the foreign more


Renewable send Tariff
15 March 2021

Highlights  -CERC has notified a proposal for determination of levellised generic tariff for FY 2021-22 on 18th February, 2021.These regulations specify the tariff determination for the RE projects (small hydro projects, biomass power projects with Rankine cycle technology, non-fossil fuel-based co-generation projects, biomass gasifier-based power projects and biogas-based power projects) which shall be applicable during the period from 1st April, 2021 till 31st March, 2022.CER Opinion -Swiss Challenge more


Distribution send Consumer Prepaid Metering
09 March 2021

Highlights -TERC issued a draft for Consumer Prepaid Metering Regulation, 2021, and will apply to the Distribution and Retail Supply Licensees, including deemed licensees and franchisee. The key highlights of the Regulation are given below:❖ The Regulation will cover new single-phase and three-phase LY Industrial, NDS, mobile towers and temporary connections up to a connected load of 50KW.❖ The existing or new consumers may also opt for prepaid more


Transmission send State Grid Code Regulation
06 March 2021

Highlights -TSERC notified draft for Deviation Settlement Mechanism (DSM) on 28th December, 2020. This Regulation will come into picture from 1st March, 2021.Applicability - It  includes  Buyers  &  Sellers  engaged  in  conveyance  related  transactions  of electricity  via  open  access  utilising  intra-state  transmission  system  (In-STS)  and/or  distribution system of electricity (including inter-state wheeling of power).CER Opinion -❖ Need for an objective definition of ‘gaming’ (Regulation 2.1(p)): The objective definition more


Renewable send Tariff
19 February 2021

Highlights  -RERC notified Draft for Terms and Conditions for Tariff determination from Renewable Energy Sources) Regulations, 2020 which will be applicable from 1st April, 2020 – 31st March, 2023. Highlights of the proposed regulations are as follows:❖ Different norms and eligibility criteria to be specified for Non-fossil fuel based Co-generation project, MSW, RDF based power project and Small Hydro project.❖ Parameters for new RE technologies such as Floating more


Renewable send Tariff
27 November 2020

Highlights -CERC issued draft for Terms and Conditions for Tariff determination from Renewable Energy Sources (RES) Regulation, 2020 for the control period 2020-21 to 2022-23. Highlights of the proposed regulations are given below:❖ 'Floating solar project', 'Grid Code', 'Pumped storage hydro project', 'State Nodal Agency', and 'Storage' have now been defined. Further, the regulations also provides for the 'treatment for over generation'.❖ Loan tenure is proposed to be more


Electricity send Acts
27 November 2020

Highlights -The Ministry of Power on 17th Apr, 2020 issued draft for amendment to the Electricity Act, 2003. A brief summary of the proposed Amendments are given below:❖ National Renewable Energy Policy (NREP) (Section 3A): Central Government, in consultation with State Governments, will prepare NREP to promote RE generation, and prescribe RPO for renewable and hydro energy.❖ Cross Border Trade of Electricity (CBTE) (Section 49A): Central Government to more


Fundamentals of Renewable Energy: Economics, Policy and Regulation send Renewable Energy Development
27 November 2020

Highlights -The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) on 18th May, 2020 released draft guidelines for implementation of off-grid solar power plants under RESCO model. Key highlights are given below: ❖ The scheme is applicable only for North-eastern States and extended till 31 Mar, 2021. ❖ Off-grid solar power plants up to 25 kWp can be installed in areas without or unreliable electricity access.     more


Fundamentals of Renewable Energy: Economics, Policy and Regulation send RE Policy and Regulation
06 July 2020

Highlights -The WBERC notified draft for the amendment to Cogeneration and Generation of Electricity from Renewable Sources of Energy Regulations, 2013. Highlights are below: 1. Consumer can install rooftop system of 1 kW or above capacity (up to total sanctioned load or contract demand) can claim net-metering/net-billing benefits. 2. DISCOMs are proposed to procure 100% of energy from waste to energy plants in their respective areas. 3. Unmet solar more


Distribution send Standard of Performance
08 June 2020

Highlights -The Standard of Performance (SoP) regulation issued by CSERC on 15th May 2020 allows variation across geographical areas of DISCOM, and across DISCOMs. A summary is below:1. If the licensee fails to maintain SoP, it is liable to compensate consumer at rates specified in the regulation, which cannot be claimed in ARR.2. To spread awareness regarding SoP among consumers and staff, the licensee to make manuals available more


Transmission send State Grid Code Regulation
25 May 2020

Highlights - MERC released draft State Grid Code Regulations (MEGC, 2020) on 1st Mar 2020. MEGC, 2020 is applicable to all generators in the state connected to intra-state transmission system (InSTS), transmission licensee in the state including STU, Maharashtra SLDC, distribution licensees including deemed distribution licensees, Indian Railways, OA consumers and EHV consumers connected to InSTS. Major highlights of the proposed regulations are below: 1. STU is to explore and evaluate alternate options if capital expenditure for more


Renewable send REC Framework
25 May 2020

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC), via notification dated 31st Mar 2020, proposed to adopt forbearance price and floor price of Renewable Energy Certificates (REC) as given in the table: Details Solar REC (₹/MWh) Non-Solar more


Distribution send Open Access
25 May 2020

Highlights - HERC drafted guidelines for certifying or refusing to certify non-availability to transmission or distribution system for OA consumers. Major highlights of the proposed regulations are below: 1. Surplus capacity to be offered to LTOA, MTOA, and STOA in respective order. In case of system enhancement, the applicant will pay the Distribution Capacity cost for grant of LTOA. 2. Consumers capacities of 10 MW and above will be eligible more


System Operation & Forecasting send Data Collection
25 May 2020

Highlights - The Central Electricity Authority (CEA) has proposed amendment to Furnishing of Statistics, Returns and Information Regulations, 2007. The CEA proposes to add four new formats (Format 21A, Format 21B, Format 66 and Format 67) for furnishing of the information in the Regulations. CER Opinion: 1. Scope for format 21A and 21B should be defined in such a manner that the two tables are mutually exclusive. As per given definition, more


Power Markets send Real Time Market (RTM)
12 April 2020

Highlights -   POSOCO released draft procedure for scheduling collective transactions in RTM. The draft addresses issues related to processing of application, treatment of losses, congestion management, and revision of schedule, etc. Major highlights are below: 1. Proposal for allocation of transmission corridor to exchanges based on ratio of their shares in the cleared volume in DAM, subject to minimum 10% for exchange having smaller share.   2. It is proposed that the exchange should submit more


Renewable send Solar Power Procurement
07 April 2020

Summary -The GERC notified discussion paper for tariff framework concerning procurement of solar power by DISCOMs and other stakeholders. The discussion paper proposes competitive bidding for all solar projects, including small projects of 5 MW or less capacity. A brief summary is below:   1. For projects below 5 MW capacity, proposal to determine tariff through competitive bidding in different time period of 6 months of the year. 2. Proposes a maximum allowed capacity at 50% of contracted more


Renewable send Renewable Power Procurement
26 March 2020

Summary: The TNERC notified consultative paper for procurement of solar and wind power by DISCOM, which proposes competitive bidding for solar power procurement, and to levy 100% transmission and wheeling charges, line losses, and cross-subsidy surcharge. Further, it proposes to impose stand by charges, grid availability charges, charges for higher harmonics, reactive power charges, power factor disincentives, and capping of contracted capacities for open access consumers including captive users. more


Renewable send Open Access and Captive Generation
23 March 2020

(Open Access and Captive  Generation) Summary: The APERC notified draft for 2nd amendment to its open access regulation 2005, which proposes to impose 100% transmission and wheeling charges, distribution losses, and cross-subsidy surcharge for captive use or third-party sale.CER Opinion:1. Concern regarding RE intermittency issues could be addressed by tightening forecasting regulations along with the application of deviation settlement mechanism (DSM) can help ameliorate this impact to some extent. 2. more

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