Department of Management Sciences (DoMS) Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Registration open for Regulatory Certification Program (RCP)

on "Power Market Economics and Operation" (December 6 - 22, 2024) Register Now

Day - 1

20th Nov, 2023 Monday

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Mr. Jesse Price (Invited)


Stakeholder Engagement, Australian Energy Regulator (AER)

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Mr. Carl Hutchinson (Invited)


Enel X Australia

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Dr. Anoop Singh (Invited)


Centre for Energy Regulation, IIT Kanpur

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Mr. Charles Popple (Invited)


Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC)

Day - 2

21st Nov, 2023, Tuesday

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Ms. Sarah Sheppard (Invited)

Executive Director

Energy, Essential Services Commission, Australia

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Ms. Helen Ford (Invited)

Deputy Ombudsman

Energy & Water Ombudsman, NSW

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Mr. John Kettle (Invited)


International and Energy, Gadens

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Ms . Stephanie McDougall (Invited)

General Manager (Regulation)


Distribution Network Tariff and Standards of Performance

Speaker: Mr. Jesse Price
Director, Stakeholder Engagement, Australian Energy Regulator (AER)

Design and Implementation of a Demand Response Program

Speaker: Mr. Carl Hutchinson
Head, Enel X Australia

Regulatory Governance: A Brainstorming Session

Speaker: Dr Anoop Singh
Centre for Energy Regulation, IIT Kanpur

Regulatory Governance for the Electricity Sector in Australia

Speaker: Dr Charles Popple
Commissioner, (AEMC)

Implementing Retail Competition in the Electricity Sector: The Australian Experience

Speaker: Ms. Sarah Sheppard
Executive Director, Energy, Essential Services Commission, Australia

Consumer Protection and Grievance Redressal in the Australian Electricity Sector

Speaker: Ms. Helen Ford
Deputy Ombudsman,Deputy Ombudsman, NSW

Regulatory and Policy Framework for RE Development in Australia

Speaker: Mr. John Kettle
Head of International and Energy, Gadens

Network Access and Pricing for RE Rich Systems

Speaker: Ms. Stephanie McDougall
General Manager (Regulation), Transgrid

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