Centre for Energy Regulation (CER), IIT Kanpur, organized 1st Regulatory Conclave (Online) to discuss the "Draft Electricity Act (Amendment) Bill, 2020" on April 30, 2020. Seventeen Chairpersons and members from CERC, SERCs of Delhi, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Odisha, Jharkhand, Gujarat, Assam, Chhattisgarh, Uttar Pradesh and Tamil Nadu, and JERC for the state of Goa and Union Territories participated in the event. Dr. Anoop Singh, Coordinator, CER, IIT Kanpur, presented highlights of the draft Electricity Act Amendment Bill 2020 and CER’s opinion thereof. The key discussion issues were - distribution sub-licensee, provisions enabling direct benefit transfer (DBT) scheme, selection process for commissioners of ERCs, reduction in cross subsidy, RE purchase obligation, renewable generation obligation etc. The key contributors to discussion includes Mr. Arun Goyal (Member, CERC), Dr. Arbind Prasad (Chairman, JSERC), Mr. D.S. Misra (Chairperson, CSERC), Mr. D.S. Dhesi (Chairman, HERC), Mr. M.K. Goel (Chairperson, JERC (GOA & other UT)), Mr. Raj Pratap Singh (Chairman, UPERC), Mr. U.N. Behera (Chairman, OERC) and M. Chandrasekar (Chairman, TNERC), Mr. S.K.B.S.Negi (Chairperson, HPERC), Mr. Subhash Chandra Das (Chairperson, AERC) and Er. Maneesh Mahajan (Ex. Director (Technical), HPERC).
CER later presented its views and suggestions "Draft Electricity Act (Amendment) Bill, 2020" to the Ministry of Power and, also shared the key outcomes of the 1st Regulatory Conclave (Online).
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