Department of Management Sciences (DoMS) Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

PSERC (Terms and Conditions for determination of Generation, Transmission Wheeling and Retail Supply Tariff)(1st Amendment) Regulations, 2022 [Draft]

Regulations send Tariff - Generation, Distribution, Transmission
10 February 2023 Keywords: Terms and Conditions for Tariff Determination, Intra-State Transmission, Tariff-Based Competitive Bidding

Highlights -

The Hon’ble Supreme Court of India gave its judgement on 23rd November, 2022 on Case (Civil Appeal No. 1933 of 2022) in which it rejected the plea of TATA Power Company Limited Transmission challenging the awarding of Rs. 7000 Cr. transmission infrastructure project without a tariff-based competitive bidding to Adani Power by the Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission (MERC). As per TATA Power Company Limited Transmission, MERC should not have awarded such a large transmission project without following the process of tariff-based competitive bidding.
While the verdict was being announced, the Hon’ble Supreme Court had also asked all the State Electricity Regulatory Commissions to frame Regulations under Section 181 of the Act on the terms and conditions for determination of tariff within three months from the date of the judgement.  
Objective: The objective of these Regulations is the determination of the modality of tariff determination for each State Electricity Regulatory Commission.

CER Opinion -

1. Tariff Modalities for Generating Stations and Distribution Licensees: The modalities for the determination of tariff have been laid down only for the transmission licensees in the document. Similar provisions should be included for generating stations and the distribution licensees, such that any possible conflict involving tariff determination of the corresponding projects as per Regulated Tariff Mechanism (RTM) Framework u/s 62 of the Act and Tariff-Based Competitive Bidding (TBCB) Framework u/s 63 of the Act in the future may be avoided.  

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