Department of Management Sciences (DoMS) Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

CERC (Sharing of Inter-State Transmission Charges and Losses) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2022[Draft]

Transmission send Tariff - Transmission
27 September 2022 Keywords: GNA, Transmission, Connectivity, Grantee, COD

Highlights -

CERC notified a draft Sharing of Inter-State Transmission Charges and Losses on 11th June, 2022. The major highlights of the document is as below:

The draft document modifies the yearly transmission charges and also rectify the formula for calculating the billing period. The transmission charges shall be shared on monthly basis and will be incorporated according to the Yearly Transmission Charges. Long Term Access, Medium Term Access and Short Term Open Access is replaced as GNA and T-GNA respectively. Transmission charges at each drawal node shall be calculated as per Hybrid Methodology, using transmission line-wise usage-based transmission charges. Where Connectivity is granted to a Connectivity grantee on existing margins and COD of such Grantee is delayed, the Connectivity grantee shall, corresponding to the capacity that is delayed, pay transmission charges from the start date of such Connectivity at the rate of Rs. 3000 /MW/month. The amount received in a billing month, shall be reimbursed to the DICs in proportion to their share in the first bill in the following billing month. For generating stations reduce values of Marginal Participation Factors to zero.

CER Opinion -

1. Associated Transmission System: Draft Clause No. 2 (1) (b) states “Associated Transmission System’ or ‘ATS’ shall have the same meaning as defined in GNA Regulations”. It is suggested that the amendment proposed be modified to suit the current circumstances.

2. Principles of sharing transmission charges: In the draft Amendment Regulations, Clause 3(3) states  “Bills for transmission charges shall be raised on the buyer in terms of this clause notwithstanding any provisions in the PPA and the settlement of the transmission charges inter se between the buyer and the generating station or the seller, wherever necessary, shall be made in terms of the PPA or as per the mutual agreement.”, and may be rephrased as “Bills for transmission charges shall be raised on the buyer in terms of this clause notwithstanding any provisions in the PPA and, the settlement of the transmission charges inter se between the buyer and the generating station or the seller, wherever applicable, shall be made in terms of the PPA or as per the mutual agreement.” The term “wherever necessary” may be replaced with “wherever applicable” to provide legal clarity.

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