Department of Management Sciences (DoMS) Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

CEA Draft (Deletion and modifications of Formats for furnishing of the Statistics, Returns or Information, its time schedule and periodicity), 2021

Regulations send Data Format
15 December 2021 Keywords: Statistics, Returns and Information, Formats, Deletion, Modification, Metering status, Fuel-Oil Data etc.

Highlights -

The Central Electricity Authority notified the (Furnishing of Statistics, Returns and Information) Regulations, 2007 on 19th April, 2007 which consisted of 65 formats for furnishing of the statistics, returns or information by the licensees, generating companies, person(s) generating electricity for its own use and person(s) engaged in generation, transmission, distribution, trading and utilization of electricity to the CEA.

CEA by utilizing the power granted under sub-regulation (2) of regulation 9 of the said regulations, decides for the deletion of thirteen formats among them (namely Format no.30, Format no.39, Format no.40, Format no.45, Format no.46, Format no.47, Format no.50, Format no.52, Format no.55, Format no.57, Format no.61, Format no.62 and Format no.63) and the modification of five formats (namely Format no.21, Format no.49, Format no.51, Format no.53 and Format no.54).

CER Opinion -

Need for Data - Tool for effective policy and regulatory design:
It is important to highlight that availability of information is very crucial to design effective policy and regulatory framework and also enable various stakeholders including researchers to evaluate the impact of various measures and suggest improvement thereof. It is suggested to retain most of the formats proposed to be deleted. Given change in the sector, additional formats are identified for inclusion as well.

Absence of data would create significant information asymmetry. While the cost of providing such data is not significant to the sector participants, its value to the sector is extremely high. CEA should reconsider the proposal to drop various data formats and take necessary steps to make data being collected through various formats to be made available through its website.

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