Department of Management Sciences (DoMS) Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

The Centre organized its first Regulatory Research Camp (RRC 1) as a five-day workshop from July 10-14, 2018 at Timber Trail Heights, Parwanoo, Himachal Pradesh on the topic Regulatory Framework for Long-term Demand Forecasting and Power Procurement Planning.

The workshop had eight participants comprising selected officials from ERCs, utilities and academia. It witnessed focused deliberations on various facets of long-term demand forecasting and power procurement planning. The participants shared their experiences of prevailing regulatory practices in their respective states and came up with a set of inputs that need to go into formulation of an overarching regulation on the topic.

The workshop featured an expert talk by Director, Central Electricity Authority (CEA), who shared his experience of bringing out the Nineteenth Electric Power Survey (19th EPS) report – sources of data, the methodology adopted and obstacles faced. The participants also interacted with the officials of Himachal Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (HPERC) and Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board (HPSEB) and exchanged their views. There was an interactive session with the Chairman, Jharkhand Electricity Regulatory Commission (JSERC) where he shared his experiences on the topic with the participants.

The participants came up with recommendations for a comprehensive regulatory framework for long-term demand forecasting and power procurement planning which can be tailor made and adopted by various State Electricity Regulatory Commissions. The Centre’s team built on its background work undertaken before the RRC, consolidated discussions during the RRC and supplemented it with further analysis, leading to publication of a CER monograph titled Regulatory Framework for Long Term Demand Forecasting and Power Procurement Planning (ISBN 978-93-5321-969-7). The output of RRC, i.e., the above monograph/ report was released by Shri P. K. Pujari, Chairperson, CERC during their 66th meeting of the Forum of Regulators (FoR) at CERC, New Delhi on January 18, 2019.

The participants exchanged their experience in:

1) Current Regulatory framework for Long Term Demand Forecasting

  • Relevant SERC Regulations/Orders
  • Existing practices being followed
  • Compliance mechanism
  • Status of implementation

2) Current Regulatory framework for Power Procurement Planning

  • Relevant SERC Regulations/Orders
  • EPS/State forecasting for their states and reports which are referred to for this exercise
  • Compliance mechanism
  • Unit of estimation and planning for electricity [Division level / Discom level / State level etc.]

The workshop also featured an expert talk by Director, Central Electricity Authority, who shared his experience of bringing out the Nineteenth Electric Power Survey report – sources of data, methodology adopted and obstacles faced. The participants also interacted with the officials of Himachal Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (HPERC) and Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board (HPSEB) and exchanged their views. There was also an interaction with the Chairman, Jharkhand Electricity Regulatory Commission (JSERC) where he shared his experience on the topic with the participants.

Based on the above, the participants came up with recommendations for a comprehensive regulatory framework for long term demand forecasting and power procurement planning which can be tailor made and adopted by various State Electricity Regulatory Commissions. The outcome of the camp would be shared with the stakeholders for a wider consultation.

Gallery of First Regulatory Research Camp

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