The Jharkhand State Electricity Regulatory Commission (JSERC) was established on August 22, 2002, by the Government of Jharkhand under Section 17 of the Electricity Regulatory Commission Act, 1998. The Commission came into operation with effect from April 24, 2003.
The erstwhile Jharkhand State Electricity Board (JSEB) was constituted on March 10, 2001, under the Electricity (Supply) Act, 1948 as a result of the bifurcation of the erstwhile State of Bihar. Before that, the Bihar State Electricity Board (BSEB) was the predominant entity entrusted with the task of generating, transmitting and supplying power in the State. The Energy Department, Government of Jharkhand, vide its Letter No. 1/Board-01-Urja26/13-1745 dated June 28, 2013, unbundled the erstwhile JSEB into the following companies:
State | Ownership | Technology wise breakup (MW) | Grand Total | |||||||
Thermal | Nuclear | Renewable | ||||||||
Coal | Lignite | Gas | Diesel | Total | Hydro | RES(MNRE) | ||||
Jharkhand | ||||||||||
State | 420.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 420.00 | 0.00 | 130.00 | 4.05 | 554.05 | |
Private | 580.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 580.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 220.01 | 800.01 | |
Central | 1607.31 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 1607.31 | 0.00 | 61.00 | 0 | 1668.31 | |
Sub-Total | 2607.31 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 2607.31 | 0.00 | 191.00 | 224.06 | 3022.37 |
Name of Utility/Power Station | Utility | Ownership Type | Energy Source | Installed Capacity (MW) |
Tenughat TPS | Tenughat Vidyut Nigam Ltd. | State | Thermal-Coal | 420 |
DVC | DVC | Central | Thermal-Coal | 500 |
DVC | DVC | State | Central | 2340 |
DVC | DVC | Central | Thermal-Coal | 500 |
DVC | DVC | Central | Thermal-Coal | 1000 |
DVC | DVC | Central | Hydro | 80 |
DVC | DVC | Central | Hydro | 4 |
Adhunik Power | APNRL | Private | Thermal-Coal | 270 |
Adhunik Power | APNRL | Private | Thermal-Coal | 270 |
Tata Power Com. Ltd. | TPC | Private | Thermal-Coal | 68 |
Tata Power Com. Ltd. | TPC | Private | Thermal-Coal | 120 |
Tata Power Com. Ltd. | TPC | Private | Thermal-Coal | 120 |
Tata Power Com. Ltd. | TPC | Private | Thermal-Coal | 120 |
Tata Power Com. Ltd. | TPC | Private | Thermal-Coal | 120 |
Tata Power Com. Ltd. | TPC | Private | Thermal-WHR | 120 |
Tata Power Com. Ltd. | TPC | Private | Thermal-Coal | 1050 |
Sr. No. | Consumer Category | 2021-22 | 2022-23 | 2023-24 | 2024-25 | 2025-26 |
1 | LT | 41 | 42.07 | 43.46 | 44.91 | 46.4 |
2 | 11 kV | 0.2 | 0.21 | 0.21 | 0.22 | 0.23 |
3 | 33 kV (Industry) | 4741.75 | 4899.2 | 5061.87 | 5229.95 | 5403.6 |
4 | 132 kV (Industry) | 1047.75 | 1081.79 | 1117.71 | 1154.83 | 1193.17 |
5 | 132 kV (Traction) | 221.31 | 228.65 | 236.25 | 244.09 | 252.2 |
6 | 220 kV (Industry) | 1613.85 | 1667.43 | 1722.8 | 1780 | 1839.11 | 7 | Total | 7665 | 7919.35 | 8182.31 | 8454 | 8734.71 |
Sr. No. | Consumer Category | 2023-24 |
1 | Domestic | 187.65 |
2 | Non Domestic | 92.16 |
3 | Commercial | 99.73 |
4 | LT-IS | 0.23 |
5 | Total THIS | 1973.75 |
6 | Streetlight | 6.58 |
7 | Temporary Supply | 1.01 |
8 | Sales JUSCO | 410 |
9 | MESRTODL | 1.11 |
10 | Sales in IEX | 0 |
9 | Total | 2772.22 |
Sr. No. | Consumer Category | 2023-24 |
1 | Domestic | 51.72 |
2 | Non Domestic | 14.10 |
3 | Low Tension | 19.04 |
4 | High Tension | 654.66 |
5 | HT Special | 225.41 |
6 | Temporary | 0.06 |
7 | Total | 965.00 |
Sr. No. | Consumer Category | 2021-22 | 2022-23 | 2023-24 | 2024-25 | 2025-26 |
1 | DS-LT | 98.51 | 101.84 | 105.27 | 108.83 | 112.50 |
2 | DS-HT | 6.07 | 6.13 | 6.20 | 6.27 | 6.34 |
3 | CS | 15.07 | 16.31 | 17.66 | 19.12 | 20.70 |
4 | LTIS | 0.45 | 0.45 | 0.45 | 0.45 | 0.45 |
5 | HTS | 10.76 | 11.30 | 11.86 | 12.45 | 13.08 |
6 | HT/LT | 61.49 | 63.33 | 65.23 | 67.19 | 69.21 | 7 | Township Total | 192.35 | 199.36 | 206.67 | 214.31 | 222.28 |
6 | Steel Plant | 1134.58 | 1248.34 | 1373.17 | 1510.49 | 1661.54 |
7 | Total Sales incl. Steel Plant | 1327.20 | 1447.70 | 1579.84 | 1724.80 | 1883.80 |
Sr. No. | Consumer Category | 2021-22 | 2022-23 | 2023-24 | 2024-25 | 2025-26 |
1 | Domestic | 5661.71 | 6242.03 | 6881.84 | 7587.23/td> | 8364.92 |
2 | Commercial/ Non Domestic | 1018.58 | 1097.34 | 1182.20/td> | 1273.61 | 1372.10 |
3 | Public Lighting / SS | 55.61 | 61.17 | 67.29 | 74.02 | 81.42 |
4 | Irrigation / IAS | 231.89 | 253.59 | 277.32 | 303.27 | 331.64 |
5 | Industrial LT / LTIS | 237.72 | 247.63 | 257.95 | 268.70 | 279.89 |
6 | Industrial HT / HTS /HTSS/ Institutional | 2039.05 | 2141.00 | 2248.05 | 2360.45 | 2478.47 |
7 | Total | 9244.56 | 10042.76 | 10914.65 | 11867.28 | 12908.44 |
States / UTs | Small Hydro | Wind | BM Cogen. (Bagasse) | BM Cogen. (Non- Bagasse) | Waste to Energy | Waste to Energy (Off-grid) | Ground-Mounted Solar | Rooftop Solar | Hybrid Solar | Off-grid Solar | Total Capacity | Jharkhand | 4.05 | 19.10 | 21.00 | 91.37 | 49.53 | 185.05 |
S. No. | DISCOMs | 2021-22 | 2022-23 | 2023-24 | 2024-25 | 2025-26 |
1 | DVC | 5.34 | 5.27 | 5.15 | 5.21 | 5.23 |
2 | SAIL | 4.71 | 4.79 | 4.98 | 5.16 | 5.35 |
3 | JBVNL | 7.24 | 7.54 | 7.71 | 7.58 | 7.47 |
S. No. | DISCOMs | 2022-23 |
1 | TSUISL | 5.69 |
2 | TSL | 6.22 |
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Sr. No. | Name | Designation | Telephone Number | Email Address |
1 | Hon'ble Mr. Justice Amitav Kumar Gupta (Former Judge of Jharkhand High Court) | Chairperson | | |
2 | Sh. Atul Kumar | Member (Technical) | | |
3 | Sh. Mahendra Prasad | Member (Legal) | | |
4 | Sh. Rajendra Prasad Nayak | Secretary | | |
5 | Sh. Rajendra Prasad Nayak | Law Officer | |
UPERC “MYT for Distribution and Transmission Tariff” (Third Amendment) Regulations, 2024 [Draft] |
Draft Procedure for Mechanism of Compensation for Degradation of Heat Rate, Auxiliary Consumption, and Secondary Fuel Oil Consumption Due to Part Load Operation and Multiple Start/Stop of Units |
Draft Regulation on Framework for Resource Adequacy |
CERC (Terms and Conditions for Purchase and Sale of Carbon Credit Certificates) Regulations, 2024 [Draft] |
CEA Draft discussion paper on “Methodology for Capacity Credit of Generation Resources & Coincident Peak Requirement of Utilities under Resource Adequacy Framework” |
Terms and Conditions for Determination of Generation Tariff Regulations, 2024 [Draft] |