Department of Management Sciences (DoMS) Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

The Himachal Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (HPERC) was established on 30-December 2000 under the Electricity Regulatory Commission Act, 1998 and started functioning with effect from 6th January, 2001.

Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board (HPSEB) was restructured into Himachal Pradesh Power Transmission Corporation Ltd. (HPPTCL) and Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board Limited (HPSEBL). In addition, Government of Himachal Pradesh established a separate generating company for planning and developing new hydro power projects within the state named as ‘Himachal Pradesh Power Corporation Limited’ (HPPCL).

HPERC Snapshot of power sector
Installed Capacity (As on 31-Dec-2024)
State Ownership Technology wise breakup (MW) Grand Total
Thermal Nuclear Renewable
Coal Lignite Gas Diesel Total Hydro RES(MNRE)
Himachal Pradesh
State 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 805.60 287.61 1093.21
Private 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1219.40 885.81 2105.21
Central 144.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 144.67 28.95 1223.88 0.00 1397.5
Sub-Total 144.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 144.67 28.95 3248.88 1173.42 4595.92

Link- IC_OCT_2023-1.pdf (

Generating units (As on 30.09.2023)
Name of Utility/Power Station UTILITY Ownership Type Energy Source Installed Capacity (MW)
Dehar HPS BBMB Hydro 990
Pong HPS BBMB Hydro 396
Baira Siul HPS NHPC LTD. Central Hydro 180
Chamera - I HPS NHPC LTD. Central Hydro 540
Chamera - II HPS NHPC LTD. Central Hydro 300
Chamera - III HPS NHPC LTD. Central Hydro 231
Parbati - III HPS NHPC LTD. Central Hydro 520
Koldam NHPC LTD. Central Hydro 800
NJHPS SJVNL Central Hydro 1500
Rampur HPS SJVNL Central Hydro 412
Giri Power House HPSEB State Hydro 60
Andhra Power House HPSEB State Hydro 16
Bhaba Power House HPSEB State Hydro 120
Ghanvi Power House HPSEB State Hydro 22
Bassi Power House HPSEB State Hydro 66
Binwa Power House HPSEB State Hydro 6
Gaj Power House HPSEB State Hydro 10
Baner Power House HPSEB State Hydro 12
Holi Power House HPSEB State Hydro 3
Thirot Power House HPSEB State Hydro 4
Khauli Power House HPSEB State Hydro 12
Larji Power House HPSEB State Hydro 126
Nogli Power House HPSEB State Hydro 2
Chaba Power House HPSEB State Hydro 2
Rukti Power House HPSEB State Hydro 1
Sal - II Power House HPSEB State Hydro 2
Bhaba Augumenta HPSEB State Hydro 4
BS Chamba HPSEB State Hydro 0
Ghanvi II HPSEB State Hydro 10
Gumma HPSEB State Hydro 3
Malana HEP Malana PCL Private Hydro 86
Malana Stage - II HPS Everest PPL Private Hydro 100
Karcham Wangtoo HEP JSW Hydro Energy LTD. Private Hydro 1000
Baspa II - HEP JSW Hydro Energy LTD. Private Hydro 300
Allain Duhangan HEP AD Hydro Power LTD. Private Hydro 192
Berra Dol Solar HPPCL State Hydro 5
Kashang HEP HPPCL State Hydro 195
Sainj HEP GSECL State Thermal-Coal 100
Sawra Kuddu HEP GSECL State Thermal-Coal 111
Chanju I HEP IA Hydro Energy PVT LTD Private Hydro 36

Link- R1_Executive_Summary_September_2023.pdf (

Energy Sales (MUs) in 2023-24
Sr. No. Consumer Category HPSEBL
1 Domestic 2419
2 Govt. Irrigation & Water Pumping 789
3 Irrigation & Agriculture 120
4 Commercial 795
5 Bulk Supply 177
6 Non-Domestic Non-Commercial 190
7 Public Lighting 14
8 Temporary 48
9 Small Power 86
10 Medium Power 121
11 Large Power 5450
Total 10209


Breakup of RE (MW) (As on 31.10.2023)
States / UTs Small Hydro Wind BM Cogen. (Bagasse) BM Cogen. (Non- Bagasse) Waste to Energy Waste to Energy (Off-grid) Ground-Mounted Solar Rooftop Solar Hybrid Solar Off-grid Solar Total Capacity
Himachal Pradesh 969.71 9.2 1 40.85 37.87 32.83 1091.46

Link- 202311081719950808.pdf (

Average Cost of Supply (ACoS) (Rs./ kWh)
Sr. No. DISCOMs 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
1 HPSEBL 5.71 5.56 6.22 6.05
Latest Documents
Sr.No. Description Date Of Issue
Draft HPERC (Multi Year Wheeling Tariff & Retail Supply Tariff) Regulations, 2023 27-09-2023
Draft HPERC (Terms and Conditions of Service of Staff) (Fourth Amendment) Regulations, 2023 21-08-2023
HPERC (Compensation to Victims of Electrical Accidents) Regulations, 2023 22-07-2023
Draft (Promotion of Generation from the Renewable Energy Sources and Terms and Conditions for Tariff Determination) (Seventh Amendment) Regulations, 2023 20-07-2023
Draft HPERC (Security Deposit)(Fifth Amendment) Regulations, 2023 10-07-2023
HPERC (Transmission Performance Standards) Regulations, 2023 02-03-2023
HPERC (Renewable Power Purchase Obligation and its Compliance) Regulations, 2023 24-02-2023
Draft HPERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Transmission Tariff) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 2023 10-04-2023
HPERC (Transmission Performance Standards) Regulations, 2023 02-03-2023
Draft (Treatment of Income of Other Businesses of Transmission Licensees and Distribution Licensees) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2023 01-03-2023
Draft HPERC (Conduct of Business) (Thirteenth Amendment) Regulations, 2023 28-02-2023
HPERC (Promotion of Generation from the Renewable Energy Sources and Terms and Conditions for Tariff Determination) (Sixth Amendment) Regulations, 2023 27-01-2023
Order w.r.t Finalisation of HPERC (Promotion of Generation from the Renewable Energy Sources and Terms and Conditions for Tariff Determination) (Sixth Amendment), Regulations, 2023. 27-01-2023
Draft HPERC (Deviation Settlement Mechanism and Related Matters) Regulations, 2023 09-01-2023
Draft HPERC (Transmission Performance Standards) Regulations, 2023 09-01-2023
Draft HPERC (Promotion of Generation from the Renewable Energy Sources and Terms and Conditions for Tariff Determination) (Sixth Amendment) Regulations, 2022 28-11-2022
Draft HPERC (Renewable Power Purchase Obligation and its Compliance) Regulations, 2022 23-11-2022
Order w.r.t Finalisation of HPERC Draft HPERC (Rooftop Solar PV Grid Interactive System) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2022 14-09-2022
HPERC (Rooftop Solar PV Grid Interactive System) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2022 14-09-2022
Draft HPERC (Compensation to Victims of Electrical Accidents) Regulations, 2022 24-08-2022
Proposed List of Document for Two Part Tariff New Connection 16-07-2022
Draft HPERC (Rooftop Solar PV Grid Interactive System) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2022 05-07-2022
Notification w.r.t Development of Intra–State Transmission System through Tariff Based Competitive Bidding Process in the State of Himachal Pradesh 21-05-2022
Order w.r.t. Development of Intra–State Transmission System through Tariff Based Competitive Bidding Process in the State of Himachal Pradesh 21-05-2022
Draft HPERC (Conduct of Business) (Twelfth Amendment) Regulations, 2022 20-05-2022
HPERC (Distribution Performance Standards )(Second Amendment) Regulations, 2022 29-04-2022
Order w.r.t Procedure for Verification of the status of Captive Generating Plant (CGP) in the State of Himachal Pradesh 29-03-2022
Procedure for Verification of Status of Captive Generating Plant in the State of Himachal Pradesh 29-03-2022
HPERC (Salary and other Allowances of the nominated Independent Member of the Additional Consumer Grievances Redressal Forum) Order, 2022 17-03-2022
Draft HPERC (Distribution Performance Standards )(Second Amendment) Regulations, 2022 08-03-2022
HPERC (Consumer Grievances Redressal Forum and Ombudsman) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2022 20-01-2022
Order w.r.t Finalisation of HPERC (Consumer Grievances Redressal Forum and Ombudsman) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2022 18-01-2022
Draft HPERC (Consumer Grievances Redressal Forum and Ombudsman) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2021 24-11-2021
Himachal Pradesh Electricity Supply Code (Fifth Amendment) Regulations, 2021 18-10-2021
Draft HPERC (Terms and Conditions of Service of Staff) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 2021 30-09-2021
Draft Procedure for verification of Captive Generating Plant (CGP) Status in the State of Himachal Pradesh 24-08-2021
Draft HPERC (Deviation Settlement Mechanism and Related Matters) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2021 03-07-2021
Sr.No. Title Published Date
HPERC True-Up for (FY 2019-20 to FY 2021-22) and Mid Term Review for (FY 2022-23 to FY 2023-24) for BASPA-II HEP 16-05-2023
HPSEBL APR for MYT (FY20-FY24) & Tariff Determination for FY 24 True-up of FY22 31-03-2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of True-up Petition for MYT Control Period from FY 2014-15 to FY 2018-19 of Himachal Pradesh Power Transmission Corporation (HPPTCL) 28-12-2022
Order on determination of Capital Cost and Project Specific Levelized Tariff for Ghanvi II SHEP (10 MW) 28-09-2022
Approval of Capital Cost and determination of tariff for 33/132kV GIS Sub-station at Chambi (Shahpur) alongwith 132 kV D/C Transmission Dehra-Kangra Transmission Line to GIS pooling Sub-station at Chambi for the period from COD to FY 2023-24 28-09-2022
Approval of Capital Cost and determination of tariff for 400/220/66 kV GIS Pooling Sub Station Wangtoo (Sherpa Colony) for the period from COD to FY 2023-24 28-09-2022
Approval of Capital Cost and determination of tariff for 33/132 kV, GIS Sub-Station at Pandoh along with LILO of one circuit of 132 kV D/C Kangoo-Bajaura Transmission line (Asset-1) and Additional 33/132 kV, 31.5 MVA Transformer with associated GIS at 33/132 kV at Pandoh (Asset-2) for the period from COD to FY 2023-24 28-09-2022
Supplementary Order w.r.t. Mid-Term Performance Review Order For 4th MYT Control Period (FY20-FY24) & Determination of Tariff for FY23 & True-up of FY19,20,21 19-07-2022
Revised Tariff Order w.r.t Domestic Tariff Category w.e.f 01 July,2022 05-07-2022
Mid-Term Performance Review Order For 4th MYT Control Period (FY20-FY24) & Determination of Tariff for FY23 & True-up of FY19,20,21 29-03-2022
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of Determination of Generic Levellised Tariff for Solar PV Projects for FY 2022- 23 28-03-2022
Officers Contact
Office of Chairperson
Sr. No. Name Designation
1 Sh. Devendra Kumar Sharma Chairman
2 Sh. Yashwant Singh Chogal Member (Law)
3 Sh. Shashi Kant Joshi Member
4 Sh. B.S.Kanwar Sr. PS to Chairman
5 Ms. Chhavi Nanta Secretary
6 Er. Maneesh Mahajan Executive Director (Technical)
7 Er. Pradeep Chauhan Executive Director (Tariff)
8 Er. Ajay Chadha Director (Technical) 
9 Ms. Rinku Gautam Director (Tariff)
10 Er. Paramjeet Rana Joint Dir. (Tech/CA)
11 Er. Vikas Hastir Joint Dir. (Tech)
12 Er. Sumit Chauhan Joint Dir. (Tariff)
13 Sh. Satish Arya Dy. Director (Law)
14 Sh. Kamal Singh Dilaik Personnel-cum-Admin Officer
15 Sh. Dinesh Singh Sr. AO
16 Sh. Raj Kumar Sharma Reader
17 Sh. Sanjay Sharma Law Officer
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