Department of Management Sciences (DoMS) Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
About GERC

The Gujarat Electricity Board (GEB) was constituted under Section-5 of the Electricity Supply Act-1948 to perform the functions of Generation, Transmission & Distribution of Electricity. The State Electricity Board (GEB) of Gujarat is one of the better performers as compared to other State Electricity Boards. In spite of these achievements, the State has been facing severe shortage of electricity, faced financial crunch and has high level of subsidies. For these reasons, the State has initiated the Power Sector Reforms. The acceptance of the Gujarat Electricity Industry (Reorganization and Regulation) Bill, 2003 by the State Assembly of Gujarat was the first step forward towards unbundling, making Gujarat the first State to unbundle the SEB after enactment of Electricity Act 2003.

The Gujarat Electricity Regulatory Commission was constituted on 12th November, 1998 under provisions of Electricity Regulatory Commissions Act, 1998.The function of commission as stated under the section 86 of electricity act 2003 and its acting chairman is Shri Anand Kumar These entities come under GERC Regulation that is power utilities and state load dispatch centre, power utilities are following types:

Gujarat has participated in Unified Load Despatch and Communication Scheme (hereinafter called as ULDC) approved by Central Electricity Authority (CEA) for the Western Region. Under this Scheme, SLDC Jambuva has been shifted to SLDC Gotri from 6th July 2005 and commenced operation of three Sub-SLDCs at Gandhinagar, Jambuva and Jetpur.

GERC Snapshot of power sector
Installed Capacity (As on 31-Nov-2024)
State Ownership Technology wise breakup (MW) Grand Total
Thermal Nuclear Renewable
Coal Lignite Gas Diesel Total Hydro RES(MNRE)
State 4510.00 900.00 2177.82 0.00 7587.82 0.00 772.00 95.04 8454.86
Private 7144.67 500.00 3985.00 0.00 11629.67 0.00 0.00 28174.49 39804.16
Central 5504.44 0.00 424.00 0.00 5928.44 1034.89 0.00 243.3 7206.63
Sub-Total 17159.11 1400.00 6586.82 0.00 25145.93 1034.89 772.00 28512.83 55465.65

Link- IC_OCT_2023-1.pdf (

Generating units (As on 30.09.2023)
Name of Utility/Power Station UTILITY Ownership Type Energy Source Installed Capacity (MW)
Gandhar NTPC Thermal-Gas Central 657
Kawas NTPC Thermal-Gas/ RLNG Central 626
GSEG-Hazira, 351, 43 Gujarat State Ene. Gen. Ltd. Thermal-Gas Private 156
GSEG-Hazira, 156, 10 Gujarat State Ene. Gen. Ltd. Thermal-Gas Private 351
GPPC, CCPP GSPC Pipavav Thermal-Gas/ RLNG Private 703
165 MW Power Plant (Station - II) Gujarat Industries PCL Thermal-Gas Private 165
145 MW Power Plant (Station- I) Gujarat Industries PCL Thermal-Gas Private 145
Surat Lig. PP Gujarat Industries PCL Thermal-Lignite Private 250
Surat Lig. PP (Slpp Station- II) Gujarat Industries PCL Thermal-Lignite Private 250
BLTPS 1-2 GSECL Thermal-Lignite State 500
Wanakbori TPS 1-6 GSECL Thermal-Coal State 1260
Wanakbori TPS 7 GSECL Thermal-Coal State 210
Wanakbori TPS 8 GSECL Thermal-Coal State 800
Kadana HPS GSECL Kadana HPS State 242
Ukai HPS GSECL Hydro State 305
UGBPS II GSECL Thermal-Gas State 375
Kakrapara 1 & 2 NPCIL Nuclear Central 440
Adani Power, Mundra Adani Power Ltd. Thermal-Coal Private 3300
Akrimota TPS Gujarat Mineral DCL Thermal-Lignite State 250
Mundra UMPP Tata Power Com. Ltd. Thermal-Coal Private 4150
Dhuvaran CCPP-1 GSECL Thermal-Gas State 107
Dhuvaran CCPP-2 GSECL Thermal-Gas State 112
Dhuvaran CCPP-3 GSECL Thermal-Gas State 376
Gandhinagar TPS 3-4 GSECL Thermal-Coal State 420
Gandhinagar TPS 5 GSECL Thermal-Coal State 210
Kutch Lig. TPS 3 GSECL Thermal-Lignite State 75
Kutch Lig. TPS 4 GSECL Thermal-Lignite State 75
Sikka TPS 3-4 GSECL Thermal-Coal State 500
Ukai 3,4 & 5 GSECL Thermal-Coal State 610
Ukai TPS 6 GSECL Thermal-Coal State 500

Link- R1_Executive_Summary_September_2023.pdf (

Energy Sales (MUs) in 2023-24
Sr. No. Consumer Category MGVCL DGVCL PGVCL UGVCL
1 Low Tension RGP 2815 3619 4236 3041
2 GLP 116 118 183 114
3 Non-RGP & LTMD 1780 7426 4221 2461
4 Public Water Works 441 313 651 1014
5 Agriculture Unmetered 468 412 4686 6558
6 Agriculture Metered 913 635 3703 4083
7 Electric Vehicle Charging 5 6 14 8
8 Sub-Total 6618 12530 17695 17279
9 High Tension Industrial HT 5869 14866 15993 10180
10 Railway Traction - 8 - -
11 Electric Vehicle Charging 4 21 6 5
12 Sub-Total 5873 14895 16009 10184
Total 12491 27425 33704 27464


Breakup of RE (MW) (As on 31.10.2023)
States / UTs Small Hydro Wind BM Cogen. (Bagasse) BM Cogen. (Non- Bagasse) Waste to Energy Waste to Energy (Off-grid) Ground-Mounted Solar Rooftop Solar Hybrid Solar Off-grid Solar Total Capacity
Gujarat 91.64 11171.32 65.3 12 7.5 27.43 6896 2898 569 54 21793

Link- 202311081719950808.pdf (

Average Cost of Supply (ACoS) (Rs./ kWh)
Sr. No. DISCOMs 2023-24
1 UGVCL 6.248186717
2 DGVCL 7.61
3 MGVCL 7.505732127
4 PGVCL 6.579533587
Sr.No. Title Published Date
This Petition has been filed by the Petitioner Gujarat Urja Vikas Nigam Limited seeking approval of Short-Term Power Purchase arrangement 02-09-2023
Petition under Section 63 read with 86 (1) (b) of the Electricity Act 2003 for seeking adoption of tariff discovered under Competitive Bidding Process 31-07-2023
Petition for quashing of Order and setting aside the specific unilateral conditions pertaining to installation of Solar PV Modules and ‘Base CUF’ imposed 17-07-2023
Petitions for adjudication of the disputes between the licensees and generating companies 04-07-2023
Tariff Order for GSECL 31-03-2023
Tariff Order for GETCO 31-03-2023
Tariff Order for SLDC 31-03-2023
Tariff Order for MGVCL 31-03-2023
Tariff Order for DGVCL 31-03-2023
Tariff Order for PGVCL31-03-2023
Tariff Order for TPL- G(APP) 31-03-2023
Tariff Order for TPL – D (Ahd) 31-03-2023
Tariff Order for TPL – D (Dahej) 31-03-2023
Tariff Order for GIFT PCL 31-03-2023
Tariff Order for DPA 31-03-2023
Tariff Order for Aspen Infrastructure Limited 31-03-2023
Tariff Order for UGVCL 31-03-2023
Tariff Order for TPL- D (Surat) 31-03-2023
Tariff Order for MUL 31-03-2023
Tariff Order for PGVCL 31-03-2022
Tariff Order for MGVCL 31-03-2022
Tariff Order for DGVCL 31-03-2022
Tariff Order for UGVCL 31-03-2022
Tariff Order for TPL-G(APP) 31-03-2022
Tariff Order for TPL-D(A) 31-03-2022
Tariff Order for TPL-D(S) 31-03-2022
Tariff Order for TPL-D(Dahej) 31-03-2022
Tariff Order for MPSEZ Utilities Ltd. 31-03-2022
Tariff Order for AspenPark Infra Vadodara Private Limited 31-03-2022
Tariff Order for GIFT Power Company Limited 31-03-2022
Tariff Order for Deendayal Port Trust 31-03-2022
Tariff Order for GSECL 30-03-2022
Tariff Order for GETCO 30-03-2022
Tariff Order for SLDC 30-03-2022
Order in IA No. 33 of 2021 14-02-2022
Suo-Motu Petition No. 1995 of 2021 24-09-2021
Tariff Order for Deendayal Port Trust 04-09-2021
Dissenting Order by S.R. Pandey, Member, GERC in Pet. No. 1942/2021 01-07-2021
Tariff for Agricultral Consumers of Torrent Power Limited( Ahmedabad unit) 10-06-2021
Tariff Order for TPL- D (Dahej) 01-04-2021
Tariff Order for AspenPark Infra Vadodara Private Limited 01-04-2021
Tariff Order for MPSEZ Utilities Ltd. 01-04-2021
Tariff Order for GIFT Power Company Limited 01-04-2021
Tariff Order for DGVCL 31-03-2021
Tariff Order for MGVCL 31-03-2021
Tariff Order for PGVCL 31-03-2021
Tariff Order for TPL-G (APP) 31-03-2021
Tariff Order for TPL-D (Surat) 31-03-2021
Tariff Order for UGVCL 31-03-2021
Tariff Order for TPL-D (Ahd) 31-03-2021
Tariff Order for GSECL 30-03-2021
Tariff Order for GETCO 30-03-2021
Tariff Order for GETCO 30-03-2021
Officers Contact
Commission and Secretary
Sr. No. Name Designation Telephone Number
1 Shri Anil Mukim Chairman 91 – 79 – 23602011
2 Shri Mehul M. Gandhi Member 91 – 79 – 23602013
3 Shri Satyendra R. Pandey Member  91 – 79 – 23602015
4 Shri Ranjeeth Kumar J., IAS Secretary 91 – 79 – 23602017
Tariff Division
Sr. No. Name Designation Telephone Number
5 Shri D. R. Parmar Director(Tariff) +91-79-2360 2022
6 Shri Apurva Adhwaryu Deputy Director( Tariff) +91-79-2360 2027
7 Shri Santosh Asipu Assistant Director (Tariff) +91-79-2360 2039
Engineering & (Information & Technology) Division
Sr. No. Name Designation Telephone Number
8 Shri S.T. Anada Joint Director (Technical-I)(On Deputation) +91-79-2360 2023
9 Shri Ketan Thanki Assistant Director (Technical - 1) +91-79-2360 2036
10 Shri M R Jhala Joint Director (Technical -II) (on contract) +91-79-2360 2020
11 Shri Abhishek Makwana Assistant Director(Technical-II) +91-79-2360 2031
12 Shri Jignesh Makwana I/C Executive (Technical-II) +91-79-2360 2051
Law Division
Sr. No. Name Designation Telephone Number
13 Shri B J Sjah Deputy Director (Legal)(On Deputation) +91-79-2360 2026
14 Shri V T Patel Deputy Director (Technical) (On Deputation) +91-79-2360 2024
15 Shri Wasim Ansari Assistant Director (Legal) +91-79-2360 2034
16 Shri Varun Gupta Executive (Legal) +91-79-2360 2038
Account and Administration Division
Sr. No. Name Designation Telephone Number
17 Shri D R Parmar Director (Tariff, A&A) +91-79-2360 2022
18 Sakshi Kheskwani Account Officer +91-79-2360 2028
19 Shri Umesh Gor Executive (Admin)(On Deputation) +91-79-2360 2041
20 Shri Bakul Thakar Executive (Admin & Account)(On Deputation +91-79-2360 2043
IT Division
Sr. No. Name Designation Telephone Number
21 Shri D R Parmar Director (Tariff, A&A) +91-79-2360 2022
22 Shri Jignesh Makwana IT Manager +91-79-2360 2051
Other Staff
Sr. No. Name Designation Telephone Number
23 Shri P S Mistry PA to Chairman +91-79-2360 2011
24 Vacant PA to Member +91-79-2360 2013
25 Vacant PA to Member +91-79-2360 2015
26 Shri Jaspalsingh Rajput PA to Secretary(On Deputation) +91-79-2360 2017
27 Smt Hetal Thanki Receptionist(On Deputation) +91-79-2360 2000
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